How reliable is audio memory?

If you heard some of the stories these guys told I think you might well question that.

I wouldn’t want to put money on it as in trying to remember exactly what a system sounded a few months later let alone year’s.
I could take a guess but i feel my options would probably be very distorted

Any type of memory seems to be overrated by most humans, and as others have said tainted with the way you feel at the time so probably very bad or good or other situations that are extreme is easiyer to recall. My way of working around this when reviewing gear is to have a list of albums I have used over many years. My memory will still fail me but it is a much better way than only remember one or 2 other times when I have heard a specific track.

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Because we’ve always relied on sight for confirmation before striking.

This thread reminds of my early days of acoustic research when i used real time frequency analysis to capture sound … jump forward 40 years I have shifted to a subjective view of reality that shifts according to mood, circumstances, and attitudes. The trouble for me is repeatability; frequency analysis could be reproduced but a subjective assessment was harder to replicate.

One of the things I like about Naim equipment is that when the subjective environment alters Naim’s music reproduction remains consistent. And now I try not to over think / analyse and just enjoy the music.

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That sounds like me at the optician. Now, which is clearer, top or bottom? No idea, let’s have another go.


I find my audio memory to be pretty accurate when listening to my reference tracks I’ve listened to many dozens of times over the years and on equipment I’ve owned and demoed the same. Though it’s not likely as good with unfamiliar tracks and systems.


The brain was not evolved to here music, it happens to be placed in a biological spieces that until now happens to have survived and survival is the only important thing for the biological creature. Along the way humans just have found that some of us like to hear music.


You make a good point about reference tracks, tracks you know so well.
I could not tell you how my selection sounded with different systems over the years, but I know when what I hear sounds good.

I can recommend The Man Who Mistook his wife for a hat by Oliver Sacks

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