How to completely shut down my New Classic System

It seems pretty clear, just put it in standby, either through the remote or app, or by pressing the power button. Once in standby, unplug it.

The point about not using the mains outlet to turn off is that you should put them into standby first.

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With the caveat that if you have them set to instant on then pressing the standby button doesn’t put them into standby, it just turns off the logo and volume dial, they’re still fully powered. To go into standby in that case you have to hold down the button on the boxes, not the remote, until they power down, then you can pull the plug.

If you’re going away, then regardles of the stanby modes and sequences, you should just be able to pull the plugs and power it off that way

In fact, you can’t be sure about storms while away so you should really be unplugging it anyway to protect against lightning strikes.

Houston we have a problem: we cannot switch of the power… :sunglasses:

Hi … have you guys noticed that the 332 power light is dimmer than the 350s when off ?

Having now experimented a little, holding the standby button in on the remote for a few seconds turns my 222 off but leaves the button lit. I think this is the ‘really off’ mode when you can then disconnect power. Then pressing the standby button on the remote briefly starts the unit and it goes through something of a boot up phase before being fully operational. That’s why I think this is a ‘really off’ state.

Normally, after playing a track (so fully on), just briefly pressing the standby button on the remote turns it ‘off’, but a second press brings it back to a ‘ready to play’ state almost immediately. So this must be a standby state. Additionally, it can be woken from the Naim app, so I’m guessing it is the Network standby state.

Hope that helps.

That sounds exactly like my Nova. Before unplugging it I press the power button for a few seconds and it goes into deep sleep. In normal use a quick press puts it into standby.

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Yep, that’s it. And not really surprising that it’s the same.

Hi @themrock and Co,

‘New Classic’ has robust shutdown management to make them easy to use. (previous classic hasn’t).

Pull the plug
i.e. if you want to 100% turn them off for say a holiday, it is fine to simply turn off the power at the mains socket on the wall. There are no whistles or pops. They can be turned off in one group or individually and in any order.

(old classic, turn off power power amps first, wait… then turn of the preamp, then source. If the system has a mix of old and new classic, power the power amps off first and wait for the hiss to stop)

Behind the scenes
The products can detect the mains voltage disappearing very quickly and have enough internal power storage to mute and store the current product status. Once the power returns the current status is returned (e.g. standby state, inputs and volume level) and then unmutes.

  • If the mains is turned off when the product is in standby, it will power back up in standby.
  • If the mains is turned off when the product is ‘on’, it will power back in the ‘on’ mode.

LoNA (low network activity) - i.e. the Wi-Fi is kept alive in standby so that Apps can wake the unit or music can be served to other streamers. In this mode the power is <2W.

Full standby is <0.5W (pre-amps, powers and NPX300 do not have networks and are always <0.5W in standby.


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