How to ‘hand over’ streaming from Tidal to Atom

This is a newbie question and probably really obvious. If I’m playing music out of the Tidak app to the Uniti Atom is there a way to get the Atom to take over streaming from my iPhone without having to go into the Naim app? I much prefer the Tidal interface.

ie currently I choose a playlist or whatever in Tidal and stream via airplay to the Naim but then calls etc interuot the music.

Many thanks!

If you go to the output setting on the Tidal app while it’s playing through your phone, you should be able to select your Atom from the list and it will take over. There will be a brief interruption, but you can continue playing the same play queue.

You want to be using Tidal Connect. Start playing on your phone and then tap on the speaker icon I. The top left corner of the app and select the device you want to send the stream to. This is what it looks like on Android, I imagine it will be similar on Apple devices

List of devices on e you tap the icon

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Thanks. Obvious! :man_facepalming:

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