How & why are fuses directional?!

And that would prevent them being directional because…?

Always the left toe first, must get it in the correct order :smile:

Strangely enough…no, it still sounds the same. That said, it was a while ago, so might have to go back and listen :laughing:

Audio fuses can be made out of some exotic materials.

Are they the same exotic materials that if placed correctly in my listening room can propel my listening experience beyond my wildest expectations ? And all i have to do is place it in the correct position ?

NAIM is dead…no nead anymore.

I will report my initial listening experience of the synergistic pink fuse once installed into the plug.

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These you can turn however you want…
These will be significantly more difficult…:sunglasses::innocent:

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Have you actually listened to it both ways?
Even a cheapy fuses have the correct direction. I always recommend to listen both ways.


Far better, and simple, have someone else do it out of your sight, several times, random changing or putting back in the same direction, noting which way round, and you noting any change. From that you may be able to see if there is any consistency in the fuse direction on what you hear.


It was a joke…:smirk:

Can they / are they? they still have to melt at the correct current and meet the required electrical standard. However some are indeed treated, or at least allegedly treated, with exotic materials, with suitably exotic claims…

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That would be an arduous task considering I have no doubt about the matter. Using my new ABBAS DDC source connected to my DAC I had a clear sharp treble sound. With the fuse direction corrected that has now gone. Along with that I’m also hearing a more calm and composed presentation of sound. If I couldn’t hear a difference I wouldn’t bother posting a thread about it now would I.

Oh and anybody here is welcome to say it’s all psychoacoustics but in that case perhaps you should have the same energy when testing hifi components.

Thst’s the fundamental difference between fuses and loudspeaker cables that you have missed.

Neither of them are directional by the way. Bits are bits you know.

Of course with UK mains fuses, it’s less about which way round is “better” and more accurate to talk about which way round is the least compromise.

Fuses add nothing positive beyond the safety aspect for the user and/or equipment. So while an exotic fuse may sound superior to a lesser one the wrong way around, neither is going to be better than not having a fuse at all.

Of course, nearly all equipment has fuses. They are necessary. But I prefer not having to deal with giant cartoon UK mains plugs with fuses.

If you guys didn’t do silly things like having fuses in your power plugs, life would be much more simple :+1:


:large_blue_diamond: Fascinating :flushed:

I wrote a longer post above about this,.and the positive effects of turning the fuse in the right direction for best soundquality,.so did @Richard Dane.
We have both tested and evaluated this for decades,.and describe above the positive effects for soundqualityn of having the correct direction of your fuses.

Those who have followed my writings over the years should probably have concluded that…
:black_small_square:I Never Speculate,.I test and evaluate EVERYTHING before I give a statement.
So do also Richard Dane and Naim.
In other words,.I’m a guy who always wants the best possible soundquality from a music system, regardless of whether it’s my own or that I install and optimize someone else’s system.

YET,.we have people here who, without having tested and evaluated this, write ironic posts about the subject.
As I wrote at the beginning…
FASCINATING :flushed:…!!

This with turning the fuse right for the best soundquality,.has been well known within Linn and Naim for a very long time.
In Linn’s case from the beginning of the 90s.
SO,.it’s fascinating that…on the Naim factory forums, there are people who still don’t know the positive effects on soundqualityn of turning the fuse right.

Now You Can’t Say You Don’t Know, then it’s up to you if you want to get the best possible soundquality out of your expensive investment, your music system.
BUT PLEASE,.stop making fun of what you lack knowledge and experience about, it just becomes ridiculous in the context.

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PS: At the same time,.I am wondering
why this thread is not in HiFi-Corner.?

After all,.it is very much a ‘HiFi subject’.

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:large_blue_diamond: This statement is highly interesting…

It may take a maximum of 10 minutes to turn on your fuse and listen in each device.
If you don’t hear the difference,.maybe you should think about going and checking your hearing, the difference is immediately noticeable.

BUT,.when the fuse has had its “settle-time”, it gets even better, usually after a few hours or the next day at the latest (above definitely applies to cabling as well).

Considering what a good music system costs today, it is surprising that not everyone wants to get the best possible soundquality out of the system.
All fuses right-facing for the best possible soundquality in the music system, making a huge difference in the musical presentation.,i
That someone is not interested in it,.is incomprehensible in my world.

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Peder, it’s here in the Lounge because the subject of fuses is something that’s highly moderated on here. Certainly any discussion of unsafe practices such as “uprating” or fitting non-standard equipment fuses is not allowed here. From the rules;

We do not permit discussion of modifications to internal components of Naim equipment and this also extends, at the Moderators’ discretion, to products from other manufacturers and electronic DIY discussion. This also applies to discussion of companies who undertake unauthorised modifications to Naim equipment.

Modification extends to the use of 3rd party or home-made power supplies and any cabling that carries DC power between Naim equipment.

This rule applies especially to the case fuses fitted within our equipment. There is a blanket and strict ban on such topics and it includes euphemistic phrases that ultimately reference such practices and attempt to circumvent the restriction.

An extension of this is discussion of alterations to the mains wiring, sockets, plugs, fuses and mains leads. Some exchanges about this can take place in the Lounge but will be subject to moderation on a precautionary basis. Excessive/obsessive discussion will also be closed or removed.

More on the subject of fuses can be read here in the FAQ;


If occasionally shorter! Though the chances of a fire arising from a failed mains flex causing loss of life are probably pretty small, as opposed to damage from the fire. Then I wonder what the chances are of a fault causing a short circuit and cable failure…

I once did see an unfused cable fail in real life, back in the 1960s, in the days before UK had fused plugs. There was an intense spray of fire, a bit like a “golden rain” firework, spurting perhaps 4 inches or so from the cable, and continued for several seconds until one of my parents pulled the plug the plug from the wall (the spraying fire was the opposite end of the cable). It is easy to see how it could start if it happened beside anything flammable. The fuse in the main fusebox was 15A, and didn’t blow. If there had been a fused plug a correct fuse for the cable based on the appliance would probably have been 5A. Whether a lower rating fuse like that would have blown stopping the fire spray I have no idea, but the risk of it not blowing would be greater the higher the rating.

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