How & why are fuses directional?!

To throw a cat amongst the pigeons - apparently different makes of fuses sound different too. I tend to leave things as they are. However, if i need to change a fuse then i note its make & orientation and try to follow suit. Easy.:crazy_face:

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Wrong Richard tagged, again.


I actually find it quite upsetting reading these threads about people deluding themselves, should I be surprised? Not really, the HiFi industry thrives on it and happily exploits those with such vulnerabilities.



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:large_blue_diamond: Again,.FASCINATING comment.

You obviously haven’t read @Richard.Dane 's and my posts.
I will not put more energy on this,.I have described the effect of flipping a fuse to obtain the best possible sound quality.
We have evidently two groups here…
• Those with knowledge and experience,.that they gained over the years by evaluating practically…Dare to Be Openminded and Attention To Detail.

• The other group are those who speculate endlessly theoretically without knowing.
Those who lack knowledge and experience of what they are talking about,.as they do not dare/want to try it practically.

BECAUSE,.we are talking about music systems here, these we listen to and evaluate practically.
Theoretical perspectives are irrelevant.
I Have The Best Possible Soundquality In My Music-system.
Those of you who don’t dare/want to flip your fuse,.Don’t Have THAT…!!

Have a nice Saturday :smiley:.


As testing for oneself involves hassle and time, with differences not necessarily so marked as to be distinctly obvious despite the popular use of superlatives, it is hardly surprising that many people don’t but prefer just to enjoy music.

If only some of those people with knowledge and experience, that they gained over the years by evaluating practically, were also to recognise the value of objectively assessing their impressions, minimising risk of psychological influences, leading to impartial conclusions likely to be applicable to other people, at least those with the same pertinent parts of their systems


Hi :smiley:

I wrote in my last post that I don’t spend any more time on this.

I know you love to discuss and write long posts,.as well as constantly referring to your blind tests etc…
Add a few minutes of the time above take,.and try flipping a fuse instead.
Preferably start at the beginning of the signal chain,.your streamer.

Have a continued pleasant Saturday

Don’t forget to set the fuse in the correct radial position too. 360 possibilities, or you could work in 45° increments.


Must line up properly. :+1:t2:

Hmm, that made me think…

First thought: has anyone tried their speaker cables with normal red"+"/black “-” swapped (normal red/+ connected conductor connecting amp black or - with speaker black ir -? And if there is directionality, the two conductors might begave in different ways: should direction of wire be amp+ to speaker+, amp- to speaker-, or one the other way round? You don’t know until you’ve tried…

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Noting that some continue to theoretically speculate…
THIS,.instead of gaining their own experience by trying it yourself.

Oh well,.we are all different…

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With all due respect, what you’re describing is not “knowledge”, as most people would understand the word. It’s “opinion”, based on what you call “experience”, which itself can be unreliable.


This would make more sense if you would say the same when evaluating speaker or amplifiers. The difference I have heard in the fuse has fixed a problem I have had with treble when using a tube ddc.

The difference is not subtle and glaringly obvious and I’m clearly highlighting that in my posts but people still think it’s all in my head.

I feel that every member on the forum should contribute to our hobby by sharing their experiences to benefit other members. I hope people reading this thread don’t get put off by the back and forth about people’s belief and actually try to setup their gear properly. It’s no different to listening to any other hifi component and we don’t come out with these ridiculous statements when we can hear differences between components do we?! In fact whether you believe or don’t as long as you take the advice and install fuses correctly. All us guys gain nothing by helping you guys correct the fuse that you already have in your plug. It would be a shame as @Peder says to spend thousands of pounds on hifi gear only to dismiss such a small thing that could be holding your system back.

@Innocent_Bystander i have had my positive and negatives installed incorrectly on speaker cables between amp and speakers. I have had the speaker cable plugged in the wrong direction and now I’ve had the fuse installed the wrong direction.
In all these cases the sound was sub optimal and only by correcting it did I bring the sound into more focus.


:large_blue_diamond: I think most people understand what I mean.
Read my posts again,.draw conclusions from it.
Do you want the best possible sound quality or not,.well, it’s up to you…!!

Have a great Saturday…

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It costs nothing to try so no money making. :wink:


Hi :grin:
Exactly,.I’m fascinated by how some people can take the time to write long posts why something that’s free doesn’t work.

My God,.it takes 10 minutes to test yourself in a device, then you know or not if you hear a difference.

People are strange,.talk (write) just for the sake of talking.
If someone confirms a piece of advice that has credibility,. @Richard.Dane (I’m leaving myself out :grin:).

Then there is no reason to theoretically keep protesting…
It’s just to evaluate it yourself…!!


Are you checking the fuse direction in the naim boxes too?

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Furthermore why would you not follow the advice of the manufacturer? What could Naim possibly gain by giving the wrong advice if this is just completely wrong. I don’t imagine many users have conducted the painstaking tests that Naim do to ensure their products work optimally.

I deliberately haven’t mentioned fuse and cable manufacturers as people clearly seem to think they are just trying to sell their product therefore miss advising people.

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Well my 500 series came directly from dealers so I imagine they are correct but I will need to do a clean of my system soon so I will check the fuses inside the components then.

I find it generally takes a lot longer (and that is before hearing or not hearing a difference that I may then want to verify as real). But I do not subscribe to the “Tune Dem” approach to evaluating, for reasons I’ve gone into before. I know you do, and if you find it truly definitive and dependable then that is great fir you.