How will a Hicap DR change the character of sound on my SN3?

Hello, I am scratching my head, whether I should get a Hicap DR or not to my SN3.
I really like the sound now, but you know how it is…:grin:.
How will the sound character alter?
I use Proac Response 2.5 speakers.

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Spend the money on a source upgrade instead. An NDX2 or failing that an ND5XS2 would be lovely.


I agree with HH… :blush:
An SN3 is a lovely amp and upgrading your source will definitely give it more freedom to shine.
Of course, a HiCap is definitely worth the extra in the fullness of time :wink:


I have an SN3 and can’t see what a bigger power supply would bring as the amp on its own is well more than capable enough.
I have a very good friend I trust that had a box collection and pruned it to a Supernait 3 with a Hi Cap he had and all was great.
I did ask him what the Hi Cap brought so he took it out to try and it got sold.
Much more musical and less Hi Fi.
I’ve never bothered to try. :+1:t2:


Interesting. For me it brought about a larger more detailed soundstage (without being HiFi) and just more presence if this makes any sense. 100% agree with HH and others that a source upgrade would go further as a first step as the SN3 is fantastic.

I recently had my HiCapDr serviced and was mightily impressed with the SQ of the SN3 minus PS and really thought the HiCapDr wasn’t worth it. Now that the HiCapDr is serviced and run in about 1 month I’ve changed my opinion and really love what the HiCapDr does. Hard to explain it but damn it’s good. Of course my ears, brain, speakers, room etc.


I followed that route recently. Changed the Node (supported by a Teddy Pardo PS) for a NDX2 and I enjoy this big upgrade fully now. So source first is a perfect advice.


When I had a SN3 I added a hicap and it opened uk the sound notably. More heft and detail… but I use pretty inefficient speakers so maybe they needed the extra juice the hicap freed up. I removed the hicap on s few occasions to see if I could live with it bare and the soundstage shrunk and it became more muddy. Don’t get me wrong the amp didn’t sound terrible but once you had the twin dr modules serving the sn3 pre then it’s hard to go back.


Only one way to find out.:sunglasses:


That pretty much sums up how I feel. I had a demo of the bare SN3 at my dealer, he then added a HiCap DR and it was so much better. I had the SN3 bare for a while until funds allowed the HiCap and I don’t regret going down that route. In fact my dealer says that adding a HiCap to a SN3 is one of his easiest sells.


Whatever the sound difference, I think I’d wait a bit until the 300 series comes out. There will be a lot of used hi-caps on the market in the next 6 to 12 months.



How you can run a SN without HiCap is beyond comprehension, one of the most obvious upgrades in the entire Naim hierarchy IMO.


I agree but the SN3 is really really good without it. It’s only when you add/remove a HiCapDr you notice it.


Well it just happens that I ordered a hicap dr today for my SN3. I got a great price on a new unit from a dealer in Toronto. Naim is hard to find in Ontario Canada and I couldn’t audition it as it’s not an item the dealer stocks. So I’m taking a chance based on comments I’ve seen in this forum over the years. My SN3 is matched to a Rega P6 / Exact and a Naim ND5XS2. Certainly an NDX2 upgrade would be better but it is out of my budget right now and the HiCap DR will give my vinyl listening a boost too (theoretically). Speakers are Harbeth Monitor 30.1s.


That’s a bold forecast. I would say the contrary with the way the world is going


You’ll soon be rewarded IMHO!

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The HiCap definitely improves the SN3. In my experience, the image focus increases quite a bit and the weight/confidence of everything improves. However, I also feel that the sound gets a bit harder and not as relaxed. Overall, the SN3 is better with it than without it.


Spend your money on the source first, I did a similar set of steps moving between a SN2 and SN3 and an ND5XS2 and NDX2. In the end I ended up sticking with the SN3 + NDX2 and sold my HiCap DR.
I’d used the HiCap DR on other NAIT’s including the SN2 and an XS2 with positive results, I felt the gains more subtle on the SN3 but if you can do both and especially add an XPS DR to an NDX2 that brings noticeable improvements. Even an ND5 XS2 using a DIN interconnect is a good demo to see how it compares to what you have today.


I wonder how your speakers are not exposing the weakness of the source if that’s the node you’re using.
My advice would be not to buy anything at this stage and verify or have someone alse do that.


I’ve never really got incremental upgrades. I’ve always gone for replacement. I.e. The SN3 is a superb integrated but I would never add a HiCap. I’d go straight to a 282/250 if I felt the need. Source first is justifiable but getting your amps sorted gets the best out of existing sources and gives you something to look forward to later. Saying that, I always buy used. Just can’t cope with depreciation.


Ok, I forgot to add that I did upgrade the source with a Heed Abacus dac.
It mainly gave a more powerfull sound and a deeper soundstage.