I cannot connect my ND5XS to TIDAL

Hi I hope someone can help me, or at least suggest something to try.

My ND5 XS connects fine to Spotify. Nothing special, since minute one Spotify knows the device is there. But I have recently start with TIDAL, and no way, I have done different test, and look everywhere for a clue but no way.

Additional information, the device is connected to internet by a WiFi and the Firmware was updated recently to last version (4.8).

Thanks in advance for the help.

Also you need the latest version of the Naim app.


Thanks! It works!

I was reluctant to use the Naim app because it does not work in the computer and there are a lot of people quite angry about its performance. But I have just started, and so far, it works fine.

I prefer the straight forward approach of Spotify app, but I will give a chance to TIDAL.

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