I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Back to Ethernet vodka…
Yes - more edges … less breathing voices … as diamond and also by far not so resolving as diamond
But … overall deeper soundstage with groove and full body (liquid sound)

It still makes me wonder that if the improvement is so vast why Naim didn’t design the CDP555 and ND555 power supply to be two separate units to begin with. At that level and cost you’d think that is the route they would have taken, instead of designing one power supply that a customer has to buy two of only to use half of each. It’s an odd choice.

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I get where you are coming from, and it does seem like a waste. I suspect Naim are quite happy to sell two power supplies to those that want the benefit and aren’t too worried about the cost. I don’t think they’ve ever come out and said that you must use two supplies it’s been more of a general acknowledgement that two is slightly better than one. You use the word “vast” but I don’t think it is. It’s better, for sure, but more like going from Lavender/NAC5 cables to Superlumina. It’s that typical Naim “more of everything” change. It will be interesting to see how the Statement streamer operates. I bet it’s an S1 type structure with streamer at the top and power supplies at the bottom?

My experience is also that two power supply’s is a big upgrade in every way.
It’s important to separate digital and analogue as much as possible.

Today we had a warm day.
So has the 500… it really runs warm !
You can feel the warmth going up as the glass shelf above is not as cold as the others - so is the nd555 case. Nd555 is far from being warm but you can feel the casing being a bit warmer than other ones.
Hope this is no problem! Maybe it is good to have him warmed up a bit ;o)
There is no other way for 500 and nd555 to go in Fraim.

By the way - back to diamond :rofl:

When played loud? Mine is not warm at all.

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Yeah - it is on top and non dr :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You dont even use 50 / 50 in each power supply.
As one only supplies 2 power rail’s so the other 5 are powered up and not used

Are you sure about that? I thought the 555PS has two windings on the transformer and caps feeding the digital and analogue stages. When using two, all that happens is that you are using a single winding and half the capacitors on each power supply. This effectively just gives a more direct feed to the power plug to the digital and analogue feeds. As with most of these things, that effect is described as being anything from different and less preferable, to small, to being a big upgrade.

They have 7 dr regulators in them, feeding 7 different power rails.
That much i know

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I think power rails are split 3 and 4, according to the Naim white paper:

Another reason to not DR :wink:

Only short…
Could not make it more complex, as I spend half the day in ER as my mother has a big cardiac problem and is still refusing any medical treatment… this is really a shitty situation

Before that o fiddled a lot with:
1ps vs 2ps
Vodka vs diamond
SL (5-5) vs Morgana

Full upgrades (2ps, SL and diamond) are maximum resolving with stunning mids and voices but on the downside a bit dry and less coulorful.
Morgana cable brought a bit of colour but sounds a bit stressed - SL in comparison is so easy playing but not so rich.
1ps is more edgy… but 2ps bring so much resolution in the mids and has a snappy sound.

I ended up with
2ps plus SL pls vodka … vodka brings the coulor. only downside so far being the bit edgy sound of vodka and the slight decreased resolution in the mids.


Now totally stuck.
Really love the togetherness and resolution and ease of the diamond cable but it is less colorful. Vodka brings colour but lacks resolution but is so lively
Is there any cable that can do both. With 500 cables do so much difference… good and bad in one way.

@Gazza replying … really similar system :smiling_face:

Best of luck……i messed around with too many cables. It is so much easier to choose amps etc.
I listened to SL more times than i care to remember. As for Ethernet i settled on AQ Vodka……….there may be a holy grail for my system, but i found trying cables a pain.
Best of luck, and i was being lent cables by my dealer.


@Gazza We have very similar systems ! Have you tested diamond as well.
Everything clicks together and the singer is totally upfront - love it.
But with the brighter (silver?) presentation comes a less deep and colorful tone - as you pull up brightness on your tv.

I plumped for Vodka and have tested no others. I haven’t got my Farad Super 3 yet but I reckon it will all be good! I am not going to mess around with cables too much. Super Lumina IC NDS to 552DR, done !

I was rather exasperated to be quite frank. When i asked my dealer they were luke warm on Diamond…….i could have probably had a deal.
I tried True Signals, CatSnake and the AQ range for Ethernet. My conclusion was i was tuning with these cables to the system and my room. Difficult to recommend to people, other than a patient dealer, online could be expensive.


Exactly. Just get a decently made cable, stick with it and concentrate on tuning the things that make a difference?

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Full 500 … with nd555 2ps - box tuning should be done.
Silly it is … coming from SBL Olive to 606 Olive it suddenly was too dark sounding….
Now with full 500 and diamond brighter again… not good :rofl:

@gazza really similar system with phoenix net. Good you have managed to stop messing with cables. Good for peace of mind :blush: