I love my simple setup but could it be even better

Here is a suggestion:
Wiim Ultra

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Some room treatment can be quite discrete.

These are the ones I use, behind each speaker and behind the sofa.The speaker ones blend in and the sofa ones just look like pieces of art.

Got them from GIK, after having a chat with them and discussing options based on the room layout.



Your room treatment looks great @DiggyGun. I might even be able to sell that to the missus.

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Hi @Xanthe, thanks for the link. Fascinating thread which I’ll read properly when I have time but, pardon my ignorance, what’s the relevance of wiim ultra to this thread?

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None: not feeling well that day and didn’t realise that the copy/paste in the browser hadn’t updated the title of the clipboard from the previous.

The linked post is the correct one, just the title of the link was messed up by Firefox.

The most important component in any audio or theatre system is the proper placement and positioning of the speakers

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Thanks @Xanthe

Hi @HungryHalibut, I see you have your active speakers connected to the ring main not the dedicated mains in order to keep the speakers’ SMPS power supplies away from your Atom HE

As I’m starting from scratch would this be the best way for me or would it make sense to have separate dedicated mains for each speaker as well as the Atom HE - if feasible. In which case I’d have an unswitched socket for each speaker and a double for the Atom HE (just in case I do go for the 222 and PS in the future - unlikely. I think…)

I’m no electrician and will be getting someone in to do the work so I’m just trying to understand as much as possible beforehand to ensure I get the job done right.

I’m aware there’s loads of stuff about this on the forum which I’ll read up on but I’d like to clarify this particular use case.

I’m no expert and took advice on here. The consensus was to keep the speakers off the dedicated mains. But if you ran three separate radials, each with its own trip thing in the dedicated consumer unit, that would very likely be optimum I’d imagine. People on here are running pretty high end active systems with the speakers on the ring main, and this does seem a simpler solution.

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OK @HungryHalibut, thanks for that. Speakers on ring main will likely be the way to go then. Just thought I’d check (no electrical knowledge so scrabbling around in the dark with this at the moment😁). I won’t be getting any of this done till next year sometime anyway.

So optimisations that I’m going to consider are as follows:-

  • Optimise Speaker positioning and room treatment

  • Dedicated mains for the Atom HE, using 10mm2 cable running from its own consumer unit.

  • 2 x Russ Andrew’s double SuperSocket II unswitched mains sockets

  • Active PMC speakers on ring mains

  • Naim PowerLine mains cable to Atom HE

  • Replace stock cables for both speakers (PowerLine Lite or Chord Company Shawline cables)

  • IsoAcoustic Gaia III speaker shoes

Seems like a plan?

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I’d definitely try before you but with the IsoAcoustics. I tried Oreas under my then Nova and it wrecked the sound. Gaias are rather flavour of the month, but don’t assume they will work for you.


A decent quality PowerLine can make a discernible improvement .

I have a PowerLine feeding a Nait50, I may (next year) get another PowerLine for my ND5XS2

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Hi @HungryHalibut, I’ll definitely try before I buy @ £199 for a four pack. My local dealer stocks IsoAcoustic so I’ll see if I can get a home demo when I’m ready.

I used IsoAcoustic under my PMC Twenty5 23’s and thought they were worthwhile, also made the speaker easier to move. It used to be the norm that you could try before you buy, ask your dealer. Like @HungryHalibut I tried the Oreas under my Atom HE but didn’t do anything for my set up, I found different result for IsoAcoustics under 23s though.

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The company football team.



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These worked for me, but clearly not for everybody so try them first!

Biggest improvements on my Atom/Dynaudio system have been (from biggest to smallest improvement:

  1. Powerline
  2. Gaias under speakers on suspended wood floor
  3. Ground cable from RCA input to mains block (perhaps Puritan Groundmaster City better here)
  4. Fiber Ethernet from router to Atom
  5. Improved power supply for fiber converter
  6. Dedicated mains
  7. Akiko Audio Triple AC

Things that haven’t made a big difference:
-Orea feet under Atom
-AC outlets
-Other power cords
-Ethernet cables
-Pinkfaun LAN isolator