Importance of Streaming Transport Quality?

Forgive me dear sir, but Simon specifically said it’s a UK based forum. Please be mindful sir.

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Is this a British forum? :open_mouth: my personal view is the naim forum and products are global but made in UK.

Being a Swede myself I wouldn’t sign off on that the tone in the communication is Swedish but I’ve also learned how to read forum members that is here often so I get that it’s not that offensive as it might sound. Anyway, being non native can sometimes sound more harsh than it is since one might not have the touch in writing native English just like I don’t get the things native English people always write as a joke or such :blush:

It’s a say in Sweden that “old grumpy men built the Swedish industry success”. Maybe that’s the DNA some swedes carry along on forums :smile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

As always. It’s ok to think different and we have the freedom to do so without being put behind bars. :blush:


It suffices into Chord Dave DAC, and together for my system, sounding truly wonderful to me (and others who have heard my system). I do not know if a different transport into Dave would sound better, or or by how much - nor does anybody unless they have compared into Dave because DACs are different and the effect of different sources varies between DACs. I have never said or suggested that a different transport cannot sound better. (If you have compared better transports with Mac Mini running Audirvana into Dave DAC please say and I will be interested and pay attention).

Enjoy your Saturday evening!

Maybe I am wrong, but I feel you have changed your general opinion since the recent years.
I remember you had Chord Dave and Nac 552 with entry level ATC . It’s not what we can call a system that puts the first importance on speakers.
Now your system is around a Nait 50. Big jump from 552.
Unfortunately your profile is hidden, so I write only from memory.

You are a kicker. It can appear to be rude but in fact you try just to be honest, without however using always politically correct language.
But I like it, it gives some spice vs the British gentleman like language, sometimes too polished.


Yes, but it was not an opinion, just a fact. Naim is UK based, as the forum.

Yes, and there aren’t any rude British posters on the forum are there. :crazy_face:

I put it down to religion rather than race. There’s never any agro on Buddhist populated forums I use. :grin:

I completely agree dear sir.

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It’s fine then, my Lord.


I’m not sure is specific to swedes but having worked globally with people around the globe the professional side of business swedes are very straight forward which can be tough if you come from a background where it’s not common. Maybe more influenced from US business than UK business? I’ve also learned that different generations write and read written text in very different ways.

It can become very complex if you let go of the most important things, respect and listen in on how the other side interpret what you say/write and try to adjust to find balance.


I have no clue what you talk about :smile:

Ah no no, I beg your pardon, I’m just a poor peasant on this foreign forum, just like you dear sir

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It’s good old British sarcasm. :grin:

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Im ok with it. Most of the time :smile: I bet I would not react at all if it was face to face :blush:

No source is perfect, but a good, sensitive pair of speakers will only serve to amplify the issues.

My experience is that straight forward approach of Swedes (or people of Nordics in general) usually is respected and very well received. However, sometimes there is fine line between being straight forward and rude.

It does not however really hurt to include some would/could/should/might in the communication.…


Indeed is :+1: And I find that swedes in general are totally ok to hear when they have passed that line and then adjust and move on. Cut the fluff and
go straight to the problem to fix it :blush:

It’s so much more difficult to manage in text than face to face.


It shows how important are both, the transport and the dac.
The transport is your body, with gestures, posture…and the dac is speech, the language. The upsampler is our culture.

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I was kidding, because you try to be over polite using the term « Dear Sir « . So I responded the same, using « my Lord ». :grin:

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Surely the complete system should be balanced and well composed to work together and without extremes spoiling the overall effect.

A bit like a bunch of Brits :grin: