Importance of Streaming Transport Quality?

Put 4 razor blades on the platter and wheels on that linn and you have an Automower :+1::sunglasses:


Chill on the personal snipes. No one is the enemy here.


Fair enough I have no issue with whatever you think personally. Though you do seem a bit rattled and touchy.

At least I am earning a good living leading new designs with my teams of audio and voice systems for very significant and contemporary organisations outside of the audiophile bubble ā€¦ :kissing: ā€¦ but perhaps you think that is irrelevant too? Perhaps it is. Perhaps it isnā€™t.

But chill I am sharing on this forum for those that follow me or are interested in my personal views that have evolved over time through my own experiences and principles (I used to firmly associate with the old source first principleā€¦ just read my contributions on this hifi forum of 15 to 20 years ago) . You can have your own principles. If you earn a good living from your design principles, then they must be equally valid for your customers as they are mine :smiling_face:
But if you donā€™t like reading my thoughts and views please put me in your ignore list.
Hope the lawn looks niceā€¦


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:ā€¦

:flushed:ā€¦Iā€™m just responding completely normally to a post as we does in Sweden.
Nothing more Nothing less :wink:ā€¦

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:ā€¦

Okay,.but again, that has hardly anything to do with what weā€™re talking about here.

I myself am deeply involved in what you call ā€œthe audiophile bubbleā€.
Have almost daily contact with the best hi-fi designers in Sweden,.where we constantly test, analyze and evaluate new hi-fi products during construction etc etc.
But that has nothing to do with what weā€™re talking about here eitherā€¦
:small_orange_diamond:Hierarchy of a music-system :wink:.

I would be interested to hear about in room response testing you do for loudspeakers for consumer hifi. Do you have standardised different profiles or persona rooms?

FWIW on this UK based forum your posts do come across sometimes as aggressive to British and perhaps other tastes and likely to irritate some on here which I trust is not your intent. I guess on a Swedish forum one would calibrate responses differently by the sounds of it. As we say in English ā€˜when in Romeā€¦ā€™. Just sayingā€¦.

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Wow, is this a bit rasist from you Simon? Heā€™s coming aggressive since heā€™s not British? Or because he is not a native English speaker? How about you then cut him some slack?

What on earth has that to do with RACE. Talk about misdirection, itā€™s about common or garden courtesy and sensibilities in the communities you are in. Itā€™s polite to point these things outā€¦ as some were starting to do. Jeez.
Sorry I do get would up when people use the ā€˜race ā€˜ card completely inappropriately to stifle helpful and courteous behavioural feedback ā€¦ this is about community and diversityā€¦ not rudeness and aggression. Race has absolutely nothing to do with itā€¦ it has as much to do as the weatherā€¦

And yes many members have given Peder much slackā€¦ but there comes a time when it starts to be rudeā€¦

One of the strengths of this forum is the respect and politeness most show on here to each other and celebrate diversityā€¦ it makes it a pleasant place. Aggression in my opinion has no place here. There are plenty of other places for that.


Excuse us non-British here, for we are bad at English. Please accept my apology dear sir, will you?

You keep proclaiming that you are very knowledgeable and experienced. I donā€™t doubt that is true. However other people also have knowledge and experience, which when different from yours you loudly dismiss as wrong and refuse to accept there may be something in it. Given that music is subjective I find this rather odd.

Your approach reminds me of a university professor who led a team that had invented a new process. I bought his equipment and we did some work with it, and found different results from his team. In a meeting set up to explore what might be the reason, real difference or a sampling difference etc, I asked what controls he had in place to verify the results from his team. He responded by turning purple, thumping the desk, asked how dare we accuse him of being wrong, and stormed out of the room. After further investigation, involving a lot of wirk and involving other agencies, it eventually transpired that someone in his team had made an error, but they had no quality control procedures in place and so missed it.


Itā€™s the intentā€¦ not how well you speak the language. If you used an offensive word by mistake, we might chuckle but know it was not meant and ignore itā€¦ or delicately point it out if it repeated.
I think most of us work with colleagues of many countries and languages, and know the difference between intent and mis speaking a languageā€¦ my sister in law laughs at my German but is not as far as I am aware offended.

Hi :smiley:ā€¦

Thanks,.but no problem, Iā€™m used to some reactions when I challenge those who consider themselves authorities.

Simon and I definitely have different perspectives and platforms of experience.
We will probably find a consensus :wink:

I will give Simon some concrete examples later,.but that will have to be when I have time.

That is his vocabulary and style. You do know how hard is to get a non-native language vocabulary? How many foreign languages do you speak if I may ask dear sir? Do you, dear sir, understand how hard it is to express yourself properly in a non-native language where you miss so much of the vocabulary? I know, I lived in England for years. And I know that in Britain itā€™s especially expected to understand and leverage your vast vocabulary. Once again, please accept our apologies for not being proficient in English up to your British standard, dear sir. Many thanks.
Edit: spelling mistakes as Iā€™m bad at English

Peter, thanks you are right we do have different perspectives ā€¦
Yes I have stepped away from being involved with high end consumer electronicsā€¦ (what I called derogatively an audiophile bubble which was probably not right) ā€¦ although I only had limited recent association thereā€¦ itā€™s more enterprise and corporate audio systems I am involved with designing.

I am sure we have much common groundā€¦ perhaps our only main difference is whether its source or speaker first ā€¦ and itā€™s obviously speaker [joke ]


I am not sure if the vocabulary is the problem here. However, I have noticed in the past that expressions used by Nordic people sometimes seem to be a bit too direct for British taste.

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Youā€™re absolutely right! From now on, before I post here, Iā€™m going to use ChatGPT to reword my posts by asking it to rephrase it to not be offensive to a standard British reader, and maybe even sweeten it up so itā€™s warm and cuddly :grin:
Edit: spelling due to my awful English

I took Simonā€™s post to mean he felt some of Pederā€™s posts seemed aggressive, but that he (Simon) recognised that due to coming from a different country the apparent tone could be due to culture or language differences Peder may not have intended it that way.

Surely that is cutting Peder some slack, unless he indeed is being aggressive, and certainly not racist nor xenophobic.

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Yes sir. And that was needed to be pointed out by Simon yes? Very well dear sir.

Hi again :slightly_smiling_face:ā€¦

Youā€™re welcome to have your opinion,. Iā€™ll have mine.
I have tried to explain various things to you over the years in long posts,.and received even longer answersā€¦
It has yielded nothing.

So if you live with your opinion that a Mac Mini is good enough as a streamer,.then I have my opinion.
Thatā€™s the best,.I think :wink:.

Have a nice Saturday evening :smiley:.

But hello :smiley:ā€¦

Everyone here should take into account that we are from different countries.
This is an international forum,.which means that those from England must take just as much consideration as the rest of us.

:large_blue_diamond: Democracy at its best :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: