Impossible to get a Qobuz trial in Canada

In spite of Qobuz now being available in Canada with a Canadian page, price and trial offer, I cannot sign up for it and their tech support by chat and email never respond. I got a reply from their Twitter account to contact them by email, which I did without reply. They have a discount for 3, 6 or 12 months which ends tomorrow and I would like to try before I buy for at least a few hours.

When I sign up for the offer, it creates an account and immediately says this plan is not available in your country. What is it doing is creating a US account instead of a Canadian one, because trying to again get the trial, it will not allow me at this step to enter an alpha numeric Canadian postal code. When I look at the account, it says my country is USA> I am not using a VPN. I’ve tried with two email addresses. I am not creating another email address to try a third time… Has anyone else in Canada encountered this?

I have to say, the tech support is abysmal. I cannot imagine how bad it must be once you become a customer if they don’t help you even become one. What is your experience with their support?

I have been using Qobuz since they became available in the USA a few years ago and the performance has been flawless. Never have had any issues signing up for the service or paying my annual subscription. Not sure why there would be an issue in Canada and hopefully someone from your area can comment.

Good luck. I did switch from TIDAL to Qobuz since the sound was better and the price was lower. Usual statement of my ears, my room, my system and all that…


I switched from Tidal to Qobuz when available in Canada. For me Qobuz’s service has been perfect so I’ve had zero reasons to contact them.

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I seem to remember having a similar problem when I first signed up for Qobuz in Canada. Sorry but I can not remember how I solved it, but it was something simple like powering down my IPad, deleting the App or something like that. It may of been as simple as trying to log in on my IPhone instead of IPad. This was back in May, so my memory of what happened is gone.

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I wonder whether the Qobuz system is assuming you are in the US because if the IP number range your ISP is using. It might be as simple as switching from WiFi to mobile data or vice versa so that your signing up is coming from a different location.

Or use a VPN but from a Canadian server, not so much hiding your location but guaranteeing it shows up as Canada.

Anyway good luck.

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I successfully signed up for a free trial subscription about 2 weeks ago. I live in Vancouver. The streaming issues with Tidal and my 272 prompted me to look for alternative.

David Hendon,
Your suggestion worked for me. I had actually got an account set up with support’s intervention. But Qobuz support is slow to respond to anything. I also lost out on a gift card discount offer for Black Friday that took them 3 weeks to answer my query about that. I got fed up with them and cancelled at the end of my trial. Then I saw an offer of 2 months for $1, so I signed for that with my other email address. But again no matter what, it insisted I was in the USA, until I used my phone as a hotspot rather than my wifi, as per your suggestion. This in spite of my IP identifying me with the correct ISP in the correct city, province and country. I also found that the 2 month offer disappeared on my primary browser. Clearing the cache and cookies did not help, but I was able to access the offer on another browser. They sure could use some better coders for the web pages.

So in the end, by creating a new account, I got the monetary equivalent of their Black Friday offer that I could not access at the time and another month for a dollar for my pain and suffering. I will continue with them after that at regular price. I like their UI and their technology much more so than Tidal, starting with how I can keep the rap crap turned off, while it was always in my face on Tidal.

I have access to Spotify via a family plan my son pays for, and in general, it would suffice, but I don’t care for the interface and I don’t like how politics have caused some of my favourite artists to have removed their music from Spotify. As well, the quality is lower. It’s fine in the car, but some music on Spotify just seems flat. They are the only company not offering lossless, yet they dominate the market.

So the story ends with me happily listening with Qobuz, the best of all the streaming services I have tried.


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