In Today’s News…

Thought we could have a new thread where we could each post a ‘Blimey!’ or ‘Wow!’ piece of news that others may find interesting or notable but may have missed…

Perhaps we could limit posts to a max of one post from each member per day, just in case someone wants to add a dozen all at once!

And avoid politics natch.

This one made me blanche for starters…

They went to space for eight days - and could be stuck until 2025 They went to space for eight days - and could be stuck until 2025 - BBC News


Boeing not having much luck these days🥺


They did have an open door policy which caused a few problems ?


Like that🙂


i could never click on a Gates funded rag link, sorry, so i won’t

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When i worked at Ford, Alan Mulally of Boeing took over as CEO and managed to keep Ford from being bailed out by the U.S govt.
I sat in a couple of weekly governance meetings. He had a very simple traffic light system. Red, i have a problem with no fix, Amber, problem identified, Green, we have a fix and being implemented.
He would literally praise a VP for bringing a Red to the table. This was a big change at Ford where problems could get buried……pay for performance😉
They, Boeing could do worse than get Alan


The Guardian isn’t funded by Gates. Fact check.


The Guardian receives a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is independently administered. The grant is for reporting on global health and development topics. Any funded articles are marked as such.


In the days of Top Gear on BBC TV, some of you may recall having seen Jeremy Clarkson driving the world’s smallest production car, the Manx Peel P50 around the corridors of Broadcasting House. Well, this on BBC news website to today:

An electric Peel P50 microcar has completed a lap of Isle of Man TT Course as part of a rally celebrating the world’s smallest production car


I am intrigued/horrified by this story in the Times. You cannot gradually lose your vision through having OCA 2. Despite the private genetic testing this screams misdiagnosis. The hearing loss suggests Retinitis Pigmentosa or Ushers. The “visual dyslexia” screams bog standard undetected Nystagmus reading issues.

I was sufficiently disturbed by what I was reading that I’ve queried it with tje 2 relevant UK charities.

“My amazing brother the Paralympian — and a life-changing diagnosis.”

I read The Graun, well I say read, I sort of despair at it a bit and then go out into the sunshine…


We’ve read it for years, and have it delivered every morning. It broadly aligns with my worldview, though it can get irritating at times. Nothing is perfect and I’d rather the Graun than the alternatives. Also, everything is available for free, around the world, rather than requiring payment, and that’s a great thing.

Here is a lovely positive story, and heaven knows, we need them.


Having raised this story with 2 relevant charities it appears they share my concerns and 1 of them is querying with their supporting medical professionals as there is something very concerning about what is being presented.

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You can pick your friends.
You can pick your nose.
But you cannot pick your friends nose.

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Why oh why the remarks about newspapers or declarations of readership? They are all biased rags, with their slewed viewpoints, some worse than others, some absolutely trash, others less so. Occasionally they present plain factual news, but often a multitude have to be read to get a balanced picture. But what on earth is the point of either slagging one off (or worse the reader) or pointedly highlighting the choice of readership? I suggest best never to mention, other than where the name appears in any link.


Not all newspapers are the same - in Europe there are still high quality publications and much less gutter or yellow press which seems to be a particular English phenomenon. :grin:


I wasn’t even thinking of the gutter press, which I don’t consider to be newspapers at all, just fiction/gossip comics.

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Why object to somebody declaring their support for The Guardian? The colours of your avatar are suggestive of a particular country, but nobody’s complaining about possible partisanship :grin:.


You leave his support for Sweden out of it. :rofl:


One for the lego builders…