Innuos Apps

What app or apps are you using at present? I presume you have the Zenith configured for use with UPnP? If using Sense, you will get a few Radio Paradise, then whatever radio stations you add by the URL pathway. If using Naim, then whatever Naim have already added. If you wanted more, you would need to register with Vtuner, then add your own. Adding radio stations in Naim, is a bit more complicated than adding in Sense.

My zenith is used via usb and the sense app. I can access and add as favourites pretty much any radio station I like.

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Snap with @dayjay.

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Hi @dayjay and @mikehughescq Thank you for your replies. My comment was particularly intended for @clog

It appears that you have started a new thread rather than replying to the relevant post.

Thank you HH. Yes, I realised that, hence my message on the post. :blush:

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