Innuos Sense 3

OK,.but this was also on a Zenith mk3 in my headphone-system, so maybe it’s normal.

But why did the upgrade start at level 4 out of 5,.I find that strange.
Probably have to write and ask the InnuO’s support…

If it installed correctly then why worry about it? It just means that the unpacking of the package moved very quickly or your screen refresh is slow. Either way, as long as you have full functionality it doesn’t matter.

I rarely see 1 of 5 on any install. They’ve yet to fail in any way.

Installed without a problem on my Zenith Mk III, quite quickly too.

Then again, only used as a local server.


Hello :slightly_smiling_face:
I also have a Zenith mk3 in my headphone-system,.my upgrade was also fast, but started at level 4 of the 5 included in this upgrade.
Was it the same for you,.that the upgrade started at level 4.?

See that you only use your Zenith mk3 as a server,.do you think the streaming function in it is worse than what you use as a streamer instead.?

Again, IMHO, SQ remains as before, excellent.