Innuos Sense 3

Just dropped with tidal direct and other enhancements. Not applied it yet as i dont use tidal but its a long update

Just started the update. Should have taken a backup first… Fingers crossed!


My broadband runs at 150Mbps and it really wasn’t that long. Can’t say I’m fussed about Tidal Connect given the pre-existing Tidal integration but it was nice finally hearing some Tidal HD Flacs rather than being unable to access MQA (and not especially wanting to).

Being able to hide the many and various playlists the offspring has splattered all over Tidal most definitely is a joy but, for me, this is an unwelcome update as there’s an identifiable drop off in sound quality. Mids have thinned out so there’s plenty of detail but the sound is now approaching thin and fatiguing. Both Mrs. H. and I spotted it after a quick run through of familiar tracks and neither of us are happy.

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Hmm. I think maybe ignore that. My Chord DAC recently returned from repair/service with a new PCB. Has been lovely for a couple of weeks but I’m already thinking that this was more thd sound of something once again wrong with the DAC than the Innuos upgrade. Will test tonight.

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Hi :slightly_smiling_face:…
Wow,.have you written to InnuOs about what you are experiencing.?

I haven’t done this update to Sense 3 yet,.maybe I should wait a while and see what happens.

I’d hang fire on this. I’m also having problems with my Naim Audio Players

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Updated mine yesterday, was way less than an hour to do and no issues since

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No issues with v3 for me. Can’t discern any difference in sound either (from ripped CDs).
I haven’t tried the tidal hi-res yet.

[edit] Having looked at the manual, I can’t use the ethernet cable to stream from tidal on Innuos to NDX2 as DAC. This means I’d need a 10m coax or optical cable so I won’t bother.

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You should be able to do that - you could in the past (as PnP audio player not DAC). But the ethernet seems to be working imperfectly on mine with version 3.00 at the moment. Sense can “see” the Naim audio players but you can’t select them for replay from either Qobuz or the albums stored on my Statement.

Actually yes it works if I use Sense upnp rather than Asset. I’d forgotten it can do that.

It does mean I lose the album art on the NDX2 screen and have to switch apps to control volume via SA (or get a remote out of the drawer). Not the end if the world if there is a SQ boost though.

Will do some listening this evening, although I won’t be able to tell if any differences are due to the file resolution or the change in transport from naim to innuos.

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Found the problem thanks to Innuos service: for some reason the LMS UPnP Bridge didn’t update during my Sense update. Following their instructions has restored normal service in a matter of minutes.

I can’t say the Statement sounds any thinner or indeed substantially different in any way with Sense 3.00 (Vs. prior version) after just a few minutes listening. It does, however, sound better than using the Naim app with the Native UPnP Option that installs Asset.


Still not flawless here when I use the sense app. Hiccups when I use the toggle bar. :worried:
But it sounds different - that’s correct.

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:…

In what way does it sound different after upgrading to Sense 3.?

No - not after upgrade. Have not done it yet.
Different between naim app and sense app

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I’ve just upgraded to Sense 3, sound’s really good like before, looks much like it did before. I’m not a Tidal user or a lover of playlists but will have a go at merging a few albums later.


I will wait with update - I need no tidal support. Only using him as server :wink:

Definitely no drop in sound quality here. Sounding great using Sense with the ND555.

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:…

I experienced a strange phenomenon yesterday.
I have been waiting a few days to upgrade to Sense 3,.have read that InnuOs says this upgrade can take a long time, up to an hour.

Yesterday when I pushed the button and started the upgrade,…it started at level 4.
The upgrade consists of five steps,.1 through 5.
I didn’t time it,.but the whole upgrade took less than 15 minutes.

:large_blue_diamond: Did your upgrade goes in a similar way.?
If not,.tell me about your upgrade.

But despite this,.everything seems to work as it should.
Regarding the soundquality,.I experience a little less “flesh and blood”, but it can also be normal variations from day to day.
Do you experience something like that Michaelb…?

150gbs broadband, which on average runs at 145. Whole thing took barely 5 minutes but this was on a Zenith, which won’t necessarily have full functionality of 3.

Hi Peder,

I have fast fibre broadband, so the whole update took less than 15 minutes for me, too.

Because the LMS UPnP update didn’t take place on my Statement, about a day intervened between the Sense update and listening via Sense again, so I can’t give a confident reply, but my impression is that there hasn’t been any change in SQ and certainly no deterioration. I have been listening to some very well engineered recordings today - and they’ve been wonderful!