Innuos Zen Mini - a Journey into Streaming Audio

I had no problem using my Statement as a Roon core, but it sounded better using Innuos Sense, so I went with the latter.


I use my normal mk3 mini as Roon core with no issues

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Just to add, I use my ZENith as Roon Core, I also do DSP processing with a convolution filter.
With DSD files it is close to the limit, but CD, High Res and Qobuz no problem at all.
Give it a try, it works well.


I tried all this with a Roon trial. Sense still sounded better.


I have a really old QNAP NAS that seems to be on its last legs.
Iā€™m using Asset on it and half the time I have to login the laptop to get it to be seen on the NDX2 plus alot of my rips from my laptop and usb cd drive end up in the dreaded unknown album category

I like the simplicity of the Zen Mini since it has a built in CD Ripper, Software and storage in the same box.

Has anyone compared its sound quality to one of the newer Synology NAS drives?

One of the reasons we went for the Innous Zen Mini was the simplicity of this solution.

Avoiding the lengthy debate (here) of NAS based solution and the various software tools that allow a more hands on approach, (versus a dedicated server). We decided to add a dedicated music server as much for the rest of the house and family, as for myself. For ease of use. Simplicity.

Innous Sense is a great UI. Probably one of the best Iā€™ve used over the years. (Linn, Meridian Sooloos; Imerge, Sonos, etc). It just works.

There are plenty of notes on how Sense works in the thread above, if your are interested to read more.

Sorry, canā€™t help you on SQ references. Hopefully, others can comment for you. Maybe you can set up a demoā€™ with a friendly local Innous dealer. In our case, we had the lovely Zen Mini on home demoā€™ for a coupe of weeks.

Depends what your trying to achieve. For example, for us, a simple playback solution for a CD collection. (We compromised on SQ - not by much compared to the larger Zen - to keep the budget sensible). Or very best SQ might be a consideration.

Looking at your existing system, you may also consider the larger siblings : Zenith and Zen. These two do the same thing, but with slightly better performance.

Good luck



Thereā€™s no real valid comparison to be drawn given that few have just a NAS without switches etc.

Various dealers have rooms in which itā€™s easy enough to switch between NAS and products like an Innuos. I thought both were excellent, with it ultimately coming down to personal preference. I could easily have gone for either but, for me, the preference fell firmly on the side of the Innuos because, as others describe, the app is wonderful; the product just works and itā€™s an all in one solution. The Mini is less that in comparison to one box like a Zen or Zenith though.


When I got my ZenMini3 a few years ago in for a trial, I didnā€™t notice any SQ improvements between it and a QNAP I was using. However I liked the idea of how convenient the Zen was and less techy. Also as I own a SuperUniti, the Zen allowed me to stream Qobuz, and also use Roon.

Last year I swooped the HD in the ZenMini with same sized SSD. (:shushing_face:) And it worked great, with both Roon and Sense software running quicker.

I also feel that the SQ had also improved a little, I canā€™t verify this, just my personal feeling. It could be all in my head.

This year my Roon sub ran out and I stopped using it, deciding to only use Sense for all my listing. Itā€™s great, SQ is a little better too. however I started to miss all the new music recommendations, which unfortunately Sense does not do.

What I love about Innuos is that they also give you the ability to install plug-ins, and so now I am testing out Spotify Connect on the ZenMini and it works okay. Obviously there is a SQ hit from Spotifyā€™s lossy format. But the new music discovery algorithm is top notch, much better than Roonā€™s. Itā€™s unfortunate that Spotify still hasnā€™t released lossless and probably never will.

I might also try Apple Music next (see how good their music discovery is) as the Innuos also has an AirPlay plug-in. So should at least get lossless streaming into the ZenMini (up to 24/48) Itā€™s a shame itā€™s just a workaround, would love to see Apple Music and Spotify work natively with Sense UI. But that will never happen.

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Hi @DomTomLondon
Great feedback.
That exactly addresses some of my enquires.
Thank you

I remember you mentioned this (further up this thread) some time ago and thought that interesting at the time. My only thought about swapping to SSD is a wish that Innous had made this available earlier.

For my part, I think Iā€™m mostly doing this upgrade to S for technical improvements, rather than any expectation it will affect SQ in a positive way. For example, quicker. (Not that Iā€™ve experienced any issues with the standard version).

Thatā€™s an interesting observation. Although I understand this might be subjective, at the same time I have read else where some detect a slight improvement in SQ with S, (marginal) which is mostly related to the remaining circuits getting better (stable) voltage / current, once the HDD (and motor) is removed. However, itā€™s suggested this is marginal. So, Iā€™m looking out for this, when I get our Zen Mini back.

Your observation confirms my suspicion that the S specification might suit Roon better.

Looking at the techā€™ specā€™ recommended by Roon, I wasnā€™t in a hurry to employ it with the standard Zen Mini, thinking it may prove too much for the standard ZM. So, itā€™s also reassuring to read (above) that others find it runs okay, as standard.

So, now Iā€™m thinking about Roon more seriously, for when we get the upgraded ZM S back.

Iā€™ve seen similar comments from other users, regarding a preference for Sense and SQ. So, accept this is a consideration.

For my part, Iā€™m attracted to Roon because of the way it curates a music archive collection (as well as accessing other streaming platforms). I really value the way Roon presents all the additional information on artists, albums, connected musicians, album credits, etc, etc. Which is less to do with SQ.

I think this comes from growing up with vinyl albums and then CDā€™s physical media. An experiential aspect - handling the covers - enjoying reading lyrics, sleeve notes, album artwork, while listening to an album etc, etc.

Obviously, this is less immediate with digital files and streaming. (Just a personal view - market feedback - sample of one) !

In our house, the way we use our Innous Zen Mini is for all our every day musical enjoyment. It does the heavy lifting and is always on and playing. We have other sources for serious or critical listening.

I also use Apple Music and like what it does. (Probably because weā€™ve grown up with first iPods, then other Apple options that followed / evolved ). Mostly on Apple devices and on the go. Itā€™s a bit frustrating Apple attempt to keep it all within the Apple environment, which kinda discourages connecting into ā€œ proper HiFi ā€œ systems the way you, me and others on this forum might prefer.

Sure, itā€™s possible. I connect an iPad into the front (USB) of our nDAC regularly. But would prefer more robust connectivity and higher level SQ formats, etc, etc.

So, completely agree on the Apple thing. We shall have to see what the future brings.

Thanks again for sharing thoughts on these topics.


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Hi ratrat, glad this info was useful to you.

Yes weā€™re also an Apple household, and my kids who are now teenagers, want their own music streaming and be able to use their Sonos devices. So Iā€™m trying to find a way where we can all use one family streaming service, but also where we have access to the music we like, and for me it needs to be lossless and compatible with my HiFi. Not as easy as it sounds, I have discovered.

Exactly the same in our household
I share your pain :flushed:

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Our Zen Mini returned home on Friday.

So that was just two weeks for the around trip. Including the shipping to and from Innous in Portugal. Plus the time to undertake the upgrade work.

Unfortunately, Iā€™m away from home right now. So looking forward to seeing how it all works, once returned.



Deffo want to hear what you think , after getting a price from Tonyā€¦especially as using it as Roon core

You will get 44.1 only 48/24 is for av only. Also luckily as itā€™s legacy AirPlay not AirPlay 2 it will be lossless at that quality and not aac like it is via AirPlay 2

Inspired by the previous thread ā€œShow Us Whatā€™s Insideā€.

Here is a short picture story of my Innous ZEN Mini mk3 recent upgrade to ā€œ S ā€œ Specification.
(My thanks to Innous and their staff for providing images).

The upgrade to S specification involves several changesā€¦
(1) Replace HDD for quiet, lighting quick equivalent size SSD. (In my case 1TB).
(2) Upgrade the RAM from 4GB to 8GB, for additional performance benefits when searching for music or copying files, etcā€¦

It also has a power-loss protection circuit so if power is lost, you donā€™t lose the music.

Picture story followsā€¦

Image (1) : Before the upgrade
The ZEN Mini mk3 external casing is open with all the original components still in place.

Image (2) : During the upgrade
The ZEN Mini mk3 after the HDD disk is removed and the new SSD (and support) to be installed.

The Teac disc drive, (seen in image 1) and other elements are then re-installed above, before the casing is re-fitted.

Innous customer services explained that our music archive was copied over from old HDD to new SDD and the unit was soak tested and checked prior to being released and returned back to us.

As Iā€™m away from home right now, any comments or observations - on results - will have to wait.

Our thanks to Tony @BasicallySound for arranging everything.
Picture credits : Innous. (Sincere thanks to Innous for sharing the photos).



Back at home again, (after lots of travelling) ā€¦
Now had time to re-install our upgraded ZENmini mk3 S

Apart from it feeling a little lighter to handle, not really anything outwardly different of note.

Decided to bring our nDAC into the room, for some critical listening.
So currently using ZENmini mk3 S + LPSU ā†’ nDAC ā†’ NAC72, etc.

First quick impression, not sure if itā€™s changed the sound in any significant way ?

Further thoughts to follow.


Saturday morning musingsā€¦
Moving things between rooms, swopping in a SN3 + HCDRā€¦

So, now using ZENmini mk3 S + LPSU ā†’ nDAC ā†’ SN3 + HCDR, etc.

Still canā€™t decide if the ZENmini sounds any different since it came back from upgrade to S specification. My previous reference point is comparing the ZM with our Naim CD5XS. So, I should probably sit down and do this soon. But, in any case, the main reason for doing the upgrade was more techā€™ or performance based, adding SSD and more RAM etc.

Iā€™ve been using the ZM with our nDAC together for about two weeks now. Although Iā€™ve used these two together before, for the odd occasion, never for such a long period. Over this period, to settle in and get used to what these two do together across a broad range of music is a different thing. Actually, Iā€™ve been pleasantly surprised. Playing the odd album, thinking oooh, not heard that bit, or note, or inflection before. Sitting up and taking noticeā€¦ So, Iā€™ve gradually become aware of actually how good this ZM machine is, used with a decent external DAC.

Another thought : I had the opportunity to listen to a Naim streamer recently. (Which I enjoyed and was impressed). However, I felt the Innous Sense appā€™ UI was a much better tool.

In the meantime, more recentlyā€¦
Swopping in the SN3 + HCDR changes thing too. Most immediately, a more modern Naim presentation. I would say a little more detail and bass weight, control too, compared to the Olive system. But most noticeable is just a different presentation. Maybe more ā€œHiFiā€ compared to 30 years ago.

Currently playing Trentemoller, Memoria : Glow
Brilliant piece of indie / electroā€™.

Have a great weekend.


Hmm wondering if the Nait etc were mine I traded in ā€¦.small world if it was!

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It can be an unbelievably small world (sometimes) :thinking:

Just listening to Alex Bone, Falling on Infinity : In Dream (Ft. Nile Rogers)
Rogers on electric guitar.
Bone on Saxā€™.
Nice jazz funk rhythm. Brilliant.

Happy Saturday listening

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Thing is, much of this doesnā€™t matter. Youā€™re listening to music and enjoying it. What else matters.