
Which integrated voiced like earlier
Naim Uniti
Looking to go integrated route

XS is probably what you would be looking for.

Uniti contain mostly a 5i amp

The answer

True, but the xs is a better amp.

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I think a SN3 would be the best choice. Did mention what speakers your using?

No doubt, I have had two XS’s and an XS2. But the original Nait XS, in my and other guys’ opinion, is a little bass-light although very lively, powerful and engaging. A little upfront too, in my experience. RSCH here is a great fan of the XS, he used to have one driving n-Sats in a large basement listening room and the result was a huge, loud, totally involving presentation. It’s only that I like the more full SN more…

IMF super compact
Sonus Faber Toy

Totally agree with this. The xs drives my floor standers (fyne, Spendor, or Oberons) in way that the 5i can’t.

Yeah but the guy asked for Uniti based/sound amp, which is a Nait 5i, in fact its a poweramp with passive volume as opposite to all other Naim amps TMK.

Developed after the short lived Nait 5.

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I recall the uniti 1 having similar spec amp to
Nait 5
I really enjoyed the Naim sound
even at low listening levels
It’s amazing how good Naim sound
with no eq or tone controls

Uniti Star? 70Wpc, a bit more than the 5i, a considerable sonic improvement on my Uniti1, and what george1 says.

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has the reliability improved

So far so good, maybe a bit premature for definitive comment, george1, but still very happy. I’ll try to remember an update in 10 years’ time.

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