Interconect Cable

How do they compare?

Hi Tyendra. I shall do my best to give my view. At my dealer Rega wanted to use the Aya budget speaker and their mid range cost Aethos amplifier. The Aya was not working so the dealer substituted a PMC speaker, costing he said about £5k. I listen mainly to classical so I pulled out some familiar classical pieces but they were mostly unplayable (I think the dealer had bought a job lot off a customer but had never listened to them). He then put on a pristine Rolling Stones record which sounded great. I eventually found a good sounding record of a Kind of Blue. As you probably know the record starts with Bill Evans on piano and Paul Chambers on Double Bass. On my home system with the Isis the weight and sonority of the piano and bass are strikingly good. This weight and sonority on the NAIA demo was more restrained. There was tremendous clarity and separation etc but the demo was crying out for the dealer’s Naim 500 amps and his most expensive speaker, B&W 802d4 to show what the NAIA could do with bass lines and large orchestral pieces. I presume the dealer would have liked to have liked to have done this but it was a Rega demo??
I believe it is definitely worth having a demo of the NAIA and the Isis but using high end speakers and amplifiers. I think the Isis would be impressive but not as much as an unrestrained NAIA.

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Thanks, that was helpful. My dealer is bringing in a Isis for me to demo at home. I have only heard good things about it.

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