Interconect Cable

282/250DR. CD5si I have been testing an interconnect cable between my CD player and pre-amp it sounds impressive. Can you think of a better / cable option?

The TQBII is a very nice cable, which I’ve used in the past. Looking at your system I can’t help thinking that the CD5si is rather out of its depth, but then I’m sure you know that already.

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No unauthorised commercial links here please, thanks.

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Yes, it is out of Its depth. I was hoping a new fancy cable would improve it.

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Sorry Richard. Is this Ok? Tellurium Q Black II Din cable for Naim

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It will certainly change things, maybe modifying its tonality so that the result is more satisfying overall. If CD is just a small part of your listening it’s perhaps not important but if it is you really need better. How about a Rega Isis to go with the wonderful Naia.


Maybe a Rega Isis would be cool. There is a used one on usual site. Would be a great look as well with Rega turntable!

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I imagine looking at your profile that CDP is not your source of preference. With regard to the cable experience tells me that for very thing upstream of the Poweramp Naim cables are best, my opinion of course.

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I use Linn Silver RCA and the lavender din efforts are deaf in comparison.
IMO :+1:t2:


You’re dead right, of course. I expect I will fall for the Isis’s charms as soon as I hear it.

For me, all others seem to fail in some way or another, when compared. I am, of course, using Linn gear, which is why I extrapolate that the manfufacturer’s interconnects might always be the best!

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How does Naim Super Lumina interconectors compare?

As good as Naim LS might be, it’s OTT with a CD5si (IMO)
Look at lower priced Tellurium Q, Chord & Audiquest

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I have them on my CDS3 and Nat 01 and are in my experience the best I have heard. But really I would upgrade the CDP first, with a CD5S I’d stick with the supplied wire.

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Why are people so down on CD5SI :thinking:
I find it a very engaging player with no nonsense frills so why should i treat it any less than anything else surely everything deserves to have a fair playing field.
I have Linn Silver interconnects on my Urika from my Klimax LP12 so why not on my CD5SI.
Not for streaming but for background tunes to play away I have an IPod touch with a couple of hundred albums ripped to it on Shuffle mode it’s like a radio with no duds or talking in a dock even it has the same silvers as everything else.
I don’t think it’s out of order to have a £270 pair of interconnects on a £1.5k CDP. :+1:t2:


100% agree, however my post (also questioning CD5si) was specific to the OP question about Super Lumina.
It is out of order to have a <£2k IC on a £1k CDP (IMO of course)

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Absolutely agree.
Like most of these Uber cables your paying for a grossly overpriced cosmetic job from companies that this is their main revenue. :+1:t2:
You don’t always get what you pay for but you get what you’re happy to pay for. :zipper_mouth_face:


I so agree…different interconnects clearly sound different, but, for me anyway, an inexpensive one can sound much better than an expensive one, depending on the system and it’s contexts.
Sometimes this manfests itself over time, with a realisation that ‘that just does not sound right’.


£2k! Is that what they cost? Way over the top for a £1500 CDP. I have booked a Isis demo with my local dealer.

I guess I am one of the few people who have heard both the NAIA and the Isis and I think they are a good match. It will be interesting to hear your comments.

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