iPad not showing 1 of my devices

Edit: I just noticed my iPad was connected to the 5G Wi-Fi network, switching it to the 2.4G Wi-Fi network resolved the missing QB.
I usually use an iPhone to control my NDX2, 2 Muso QB 1’s and a QB2.
Both iPhones I use work fine and show all devices, always without fail.
However, I recently tried using my iPad and one of my QB1’s refuses to show on the app at all.
It’s an iPad 9th Gen, running IOS 17.3
The app version is 6.5.2
Does anyone have any idea why it might work perfectly on both of my iPhones but not on my iPad?
iPhone 11 running on IOS16.5 (I’m a little nervous about updating the iPhone in case it’s going to break it)
App version 6.5.2
Any thoughts or ideas?

Some routers/access points will keep 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands separate and won’t bridge them which might prevent some devices seeing others depending on which they are connected to.

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Yes but…he has two Qb1s and the iPad can see one of them but not the other. The Qb1 doesn’t do 5GHz WiFi…


I believe one of the QB1’s is connected to an wifi AP and the other directly to the wifi of my router, which might be the reason one was visible and the other not?
My iPad was connected via wifi to the router rather than an AP.

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Good point, I wondered but never had one.

I think the only truth is that wi-fi issues are very common with networked devices and often completely unfathomable why they work some days and not others!

As an example I can happily Airplay from my AppleTV to the Nova in the AV room (my listening room with a projector), but quite often AppleTV does not see the Nova as an Airplay destination until I restart it or the Nova. It used to be more stable so I suspect the AppleTV is to blame as I’m running betas/frequent software updates. Then again my main modem/router was replaced a few weeks ago so may be that.

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I will add that I deliberately separated the 2.4 and 5Ghz bands ages ago, as knowing I’m definitely on the correct band I find useful.

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Presumably the Qb that your iPad can see is the one connected to your router’s WiFi? But why your iPhones can see both but your iPad can only see one is a bit odd. I’d be looking at the AP, but I’m not sure what I would be looking for.

It may be that the iPhones ONLY connect using 2.4ghz. I don’t think I ever bothered setting them up to use 5Ghz on them.
I vaguely recall setting both wifi on the iPad 2.4 and 5Ghz.
The one QB which can be seen is connected to wifi, but probably via an AP which is hard wired directly back to the router.
I might simply delete the 5Ghz wifi from my iPad as it’s only really useful on my laptop when uploading/downloading large files anyway.

Well it’s very easy to try stopping your iPad connecting to 5GHz WiFi, assuming your network uses different SSIDs for 2.4 GHz and 5GHz WiFi.

But this isn’t a certain cure because many (or even most) routers properly interconnect the two WiFi networks. I’m using an old Virgin Media Superhub with an Apple AP to give me better coverage in part of the house. Our iPhones and iPads only use 5GHz WiFi and my Naim units are connected by Ethernet, except for a Qb1 which is connected by 2.4 GHz WiFi and I can always see all of the streamers from any of the iPhones or iPads whenever I look.

I have 2 different IP addresses as not doing so caused / resulted in issues, so I separated the 2.4 and 5.

If this still occurs after 5 minutes (timeout window) then it mostly likely points to a fault on your wifi on group addressing management in your wifi product… it may be occasionally or all the time… assuming you are using the same WLAN SSID for 2.4 and 5 GHz ISM bands… which you should really do for interoperability reasons… unless you have a specific use case of limiting very very old wifi devices into a specific wlan for performance reasons… which I suggest most never ever do.

More modern wlan protocol wifi 6 (802.11ax) are multi band again and the latest wifi 7 (802.11be) can concurrently use multi bands on a compliant device - MLO.
The relatively old wifi 5 (802.11ac) was a retrograde step in terms of bands of operation as it only worked on 5GHz, whereas wifi 4 (802.11n) before it was multi band, running on 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. I think this caused some hiccups in some home networks and some home network products… as it encouraged some to tinker around creating different wlan SSID for different ISM bands… as said above this is NOT sensible for the vast majority of cases and kind of misusing the tech which in turn is likely to cause interoperability and potentially performance issues.

RemembercISM band of operation is not the same as WLAN, unless you have artificially made it become that…

In a wifi environment you want to have the least number of SSIDs, ideally one, for best performance. Don’t try and limit a single protocol or separate a band to a WLAN SSID unless you are totally certain you know what you are doing and can monitor it. Remember there are many protocols underneath the covers to help this work together and allowing devices of different ages and capabilities to find the optimum path of communication on a WLAN (SSID), by tinkering you can stop these protocols from working properly and cause issues and stifle performance.

As ever - Keep It Simple…

Thanks Simon, I understood a small part of your post but unless I’m mistaken, you’re basically saying discard my current 2 SSID’s - get rid of my current separated 2.4 and 5Ghz bands, and allow the router to do everything.
Until a year ago, I was using old Apple AirPort Express for two of my AP’s and an AirPort Extreme as another.
I now use Linksys AP’s for all of them which are only a year or two old.
I may as well try combining the 2.4 and 5Ghz bands and see if it works now.
It didn’t used to work reliably with my QB’s, QB2 and NDX2.
EDIT: I believe my router was changed at least once in the last couple of years. I gave up on the newest one as I was always losing Naim devices and I went back to the old router, a Telstra branded FAST5355-A.
I cannot find anywhere on that router to turn on or off band steering. By default the unit came with 2 x SSID’s one for 2.4Ghz and one for 5Ghz.

Yes, correct, assuming your ‘router’ manages and controls the wifi LAN.
Use a single WLAN / SSID unless you need to have two separate networks in your house, which I suspect the vast majority of home users only have one home network.
If you have very old wifi devices that operate at 802.11g or older down to 802.11a then it might be beneficial performance wise to have a physically separate wifi network with its own separate wifi access points (APs). Again I suspect this is unlikely for most.
As far as band steering… the jury is out on it… some manufacturers encourage it, others don’t. I align with don’t, it’s a bit of a kludge, I don’t believe it’s standardized, I prefer to let the client manage it with the AP using proper protocols such as 802.11v and 802.11k. These can be ignored or used subject to performance / capability of the AP or client… but at least you have a connection.

Thanks Simon, I can’t find anything or anywhere on my router to enable or disable band steering or combine both networks, so I’ve simply turned off the 5Ghz wifi.
For “real” computing when bandwidth / speed is of the essence, I use hard wired anyway and my TV / streaming boxes are hard wired too, so 2.4Ghz wifi is just fine.

You don’t need to do anything with bandsteering, 802.11v if implemented at all will allow the clients to negotiate the best connection with the AP.
I advise you enable the 5GHz band as it is used by several procols, and 802.11ac (wifi 5) only works in 5GHz unfortunately.
Just combine both band into the same WLAN/SSID and all should be fine and nice and simple.

To combine them, do I simply rename both SSID to the same name?
I can’t see any setting otherwise.
My current router only supports B, G & N

Ok yes I would try that. It sounds a rather old wifi product, and back then with very old inefficient products dating back to the turn of the century it made sense to separate radios/bands … 802.11n dates back to 2008 and 802.11b back to 1999. 802.11n protocol operates on 2.4 and 5, whilst the other two operate only on 2.4 GHz. You really want to let devices use the full bands available to 802.11n if you can these days.
You also might want to consider before too long replacing your wifi solution, the wifi technology has advanced and improved since then… and is now a lot more effective for most devices, I would say these days 802.11n is the minimum.

I was supplied with a new ISP router but when I connected it up, I couldn’t get any reliable connections with my Naim devices constantly dropping off the network.
After trying all kinds of settings, I gave up with it hence reverting to the older one - it’s the one we had when we had to switch over to the Australian NBN network around 5-6 years ago.
I do plan to get a proper technical person to set up a proper wifi network for me in the not too distant future but, for the time being and for the next couple of months, I’d like it to work as well as possible with my current kit.

Ok - possibly think about in the future using a separate wifi controller from your router - it’s what many do - especially when you are having to use a limited product because of your ISP. Ubiquiti are fairly plug and play and work well with many on this forum - and Naim have used them past for deployments so I was told. I use Ubiquiti wifi in my home and disable the wifi controller on my router. One of the secrets to good wifi is using several overlapping and cooperating wifi access points in a single system.

But given where you are join the SSIDs with the same name on your ‘router’ and assuming it doesn’t throw up an error - fingers crossed you should be good

I’ll give it a go later (when losing the internet won’t annoy my better half) - combining SSID names.
My IT guy (who is tied up for another month or so) highly recommends Araknis equipment as it’s his go-to wifi router.
We have to use the ISP supplied router as the gateway(?) which can’t be set to bridge mode otherwise we lose the IP phone and we still use the landline a lot.
On the ISP router, we can only turn off the wifi part and possibly the DCHP part, but I’ll leave that to our IT man when he eventually comes.
In Australia, Christmas is the main summer holiday and a lot of companies only return to work after 26th January and are then extremely busy.