Is it update day today?

Yes, more control with a lower noise floor and tighter bottom end. I’ve also upgraded the switch and Ethernet connection to. My Nova is now my second system, and it’s always a delight to listen to.

Hi Alley_Cat

I stream with ND555/2 x 555ps and certainly find some of your findings are as mine.
Though of those posting on the forum we are few, very few!

Personally in my system I am not drawn to the lack of bass, I use the phrase carefully, as in that area it is more tuneful, articulate , focused.
More as if some of the boom has been stripped away.
Your reference to the LP12 is also interesting, I too have one, recently part of my enjoyment of the ND555 has been it showing qualities of analogue, brought about from speaker isolation, digital switch,ethernet cables etc.
For me in my system and to my ear the latest update has set that back, lacking emotion, connection and yet gaining a brighter and uncomfortable top end.
In other areas the update for me is extremely impressive and for free!
But if it was possible to revert back to previous software I probably would,at the end of the day it’s all about the music and how it makes us feel, not detail.

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Aren’t they overdue for a new album?

No idea to be honest, it’s been ages since Soldier of Love in 2010, Diamond Life is just the one I play most on vinyl or digital formats - I think many recall the singles from it as being a bit cheesy, but I enjoyed them and think the rest of the album is even a better without a single duff track.

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Good to hear, I have an Atom arriving soon and am looking to get a new Bravia TV!

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