Is ndx2 still recommended almost at the end of 2023?

Thanks - I’ve got a decision to make on two fronts - probably first is the speakers (which has come to a choice between the PMC Fact 12, Totem Audio Element Metal V2, and Sonfus Faber Olympica Nova V (or maybe III - I really liked the V’s, but their aesthetics not so much, and I think they might be physically a bit much for our room).

And then the streamer. Thanks for the reminder on the DAC @HungryHalibut - I can probably line up a demo of a Dave if I were interested in that side.

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…Did you get yours via the firesale, and did they sell it to you directly/ship to NZ?

There’s been a guy trying to sell an almost new pair not long ago, did you see them? I was very tempted, but realistically they will likely to be too much in my small room, and risky without a home demo.

I actually got it from Paul Money, who matched the AtA price. They had one unopened in stock. I already had the 555 PS.

[quote=“Mike_S, post:85, topic:31591, full:true”]

I hadn’t. RMC in Welly have an ex-demo V1 and new V2 (which I heard in store yesterday). On many tracks they were good, although in their room a couple had the bass being a bit boomy. It might have been the amp they had running, so I’ll organise a home demo to try them out.

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Boominess which is caused typically by low frequency room resonances excited by the loudspeaker is unlikely to be amp related unless the amp in the non boomy scenario is bandwidth limited in the bass frequencies. A bloated bass is possibly poor speaker design… or more likely poor speaker and amp matching and speaker positioning.

So if placement can’t solve, or you are unable to use bass traps, then the loud speaker’s audio response is not suitable for that room.


Indeed. My first thought was placement and room interactions, although I’ve heard other speakers (including the Tribe tower) be very good with bass in that room. The placement wasn’t optimised, and they suggested that the amp choice might not be ideal.

Either way, I’ll find out when it’s in my lounge for a demo…

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Absolutely… the only sure way is to hear how it performs in its intended operating environment

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Made up a decision and opted for the Audio Analogue AADac to go with the NDX2. The Dac sounds wonderful. Very natural, full bodied and articulate. It’s a fundamental upgrade, a world class converter and highly recommended.


Glad you have found a good solution. Are you still using the XPS?

I’ve never heard the AAdac. I recall a brief conversation with a dealer who was singing its praises. He also said it worked very well as a preamp and could be used directly into a power amp, but of course such discussions are considered heresy in Naim circles :grinning:

Yes they are indeed. Yes ,I do still use the XPS. Shouldn’t I? Is the XPS irrelevant with the DAC running? Sorry, probably a lack of basic knowledge.

Logically, as you are only using the streaming board of the ndx2 I would say the money released by selling the PS would be better spent elsewhere

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I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a subtle change in sound quality with or without the XPS, but I would guess that the money tied up in it might be better spent elsewhere. Try it and see what you think.

I purchased the Totem Element V2 from RMC about 3 years ago to replace NBLs. The V2 work really well in my space where the NBLs seemed to struggle. Placement is critical and mine are only 250 away from the rear wall. Also its at least 6 months before they really started to sing.

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Well, I tried to get music playing without the XPS, but the NDX2 is not running anymore without its external PS. No way, at least I am unable to find a solution. So I plugged the XPS back in and all fine again. Working with Naim can be burdensome, that‘s my experience at least.

Did you put the link plug back in the Burndy socket?

Of course, that‘s the point! Will do. Many thanks Chris. But as I said, there are easier to handle systems around than Naim.

Not a solution. Also with the plug in in the Burndy socket the NDX2 is not running. Maybe the AADac is the key. But I am tired of switching settings all the time. Acoustic quality is top notch with Dac and XPS together, but a pity not being able to check wether taking off the XPS would change anything in the sonic character. Strange case.

At the risk of insulting your intelligence, after you removed the Burndy and re-attached the Link Plug, did you reconnect a mains lead to the NDX2…?:face_with_peeking_eye:

Decent question. Could happen to me. But this time a was cautious enough to think of all the hidden, small details necessary to make your system running.

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You need some more shelving next :wink:

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