Is ndx2 still recommended almost at the end of 2023?

I am uncertain about purchasing ndx2 considering that it has been on the market since 2019 and I don’t know for how many years it will be available. Is it preferable to buy nd5xs2, which is similar in quality and sound, and then upgrade when the successor of ndx2 comes out? What do you suggest?”


Welcome to the forum. The successor to the NDX2 is out it’s the 333. More expensive. The answer is to get to a dealer and listen for yourself. But be quick as stocks of the NDX2 are dwindling.


If you want a Classic box to complement the rest of your system, it makes sense to get a NDX2. There are plenty around preloved too.

If you plan to have a New Classic setup, it makes sense to get the NSS 333.

Simple really.


Incidentally I wouldn’t describe the ND5 as close in sound to the NDX2, I think you will find the latter a considerably richer musical experience.


I bought a NDX2 earlier this year and am very happy with it. When the NSS333 became available my dealer lent me one to try; I didn’t feel the urge to swap.

Listen to both and make up your own mind. Either way you won’t be disappointed.


Welcome to the Forum.
I just bought my NDX2 at the end of September, to sit in front of my 282/300.
Sounds wonderful!:blush:
I’ve heard the full 300 system and was very impressed by it, but not in a hurry to switch.
Your own ears are the only true test. Go get a demo and enjoy…:wink:


Is it really the successor, i thought its its old and new classic running alongside, last time I read up the suggestion was the NDX2 was still better.

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For a short time maybe but my understanding is that the NDX2 is being phased out.

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Thanks @LindsayM i must admit trying to read all the various New Classic line threads and then reconcile them versus the Naim site for hardware difference or old Skool upgrade ladder - I am even more confused.

I do like your view (if true) and makes sense, Old Classic going, New Classis has arrived, I guess the issue is then which is better in terms or hardware and SQ, I guess only listening can decide that.


I highly recommended a NDX 2. It’s a awesome source!


Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.
It seems to me that for a while longer, the Classic and New Classic lines will coexist, so NDX2 remains a valid choice if bought at the right price. At the moment, I don’t have the budget for the successor NSS333


Given that it is soon to be a discontinued model, you can find used ones at good prices if you want.

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Dealers are discounting the NDX2 (and other OC gear) pretty heavily right now, so you should be able to get a good deal on a new one.


I can’t comment on the new 333 streamer, but the NDX2 is excellent, even better with an XPSDR which is now discontinued and available at a reasonable price second hand. I am running my NDX2/XPSDR through a 552DR/300DR and Sonus Faber Olympica Nova 3s. I feel no need to upgrade to an ND555. Its my best system ever by some margin!


Another +1 for ndx2. I did have an nd5xs2 before, with and without a qutest.
The ndx2, albeit with a xpsdr is a fine choice. Can’t see me changing from it for a while.


Even better is NDS with 555PSDR.


As said before, you guys are so lucky in the UK with your dealer discounts and second hand market!

  • Pre-loved NDX2 here in NL minimum €4900 so about 1/3 off, new still at the list price of €7100.

  • Same ratios for Nait XS3, ND5 XS2, Atom HE etc. from €3000+ list price down to €2000+ used.

  • XPS-DR low on stock new but available for almost €5400, pre-loved now at around €3000.

  • I was looking for a pre-loved DC1 cable but at around only 1/4 off I might as well buy a new one.

At least we don’t have to drive on the wrong side of the road but we pay dearly for the privilege :wink:


The NDX2 is a good buy now that the 333 is hitting the market and you’re wanting to stay with OC. If you’re content with the SQ it makes sense to take advantage of the discounts.

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Actually, I’m in the USA. Lousy dealer service here, but they are definitely trying to clear out the NOS OC gear.

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On this side of the Atlantic it is an excellent service, at least in Scandinavia :smirk: