Is the NDX2 streamer significantly better than the ND5XS2 which I have?

My point was only that, in my experience, the ND5XS2 is so good that some buyers don’t feel the need to buy the more expensive model.
Something similar happened with the CDX2 vs the CD5XS - unless you added an XPS to the former, it wasn’t obviously better than the latter. I have had all Naim Classic CD players bar the 555 and I think I have a pretty good idea of their relative value.
Streamers are not of interest to me now - but I add that I sold the ND5 XS2 in one of my several moments of self-harm and bought a Bricasti M3 with Ethernet board, costing four times as much. I still think that the ND5 XS2 was vastly better on pure functional ( = connection, app, management) grounds, and satisfactorily better on musical ones.


I just thought I’d chime in… been a Naim streamer user since they started doing them.
The ND5XS2 is a stripped back streamer. It was designed to fit within a reduced budget, but rather than do all things in a mediocre way, it was stripped back in in its control and user interfacing, and as such is designed to be wirelessly tethered to a Nam app device, unlike the NDX2 which can be fully standalone.
However this allowed Naim to focus more of the resources within the limited budget to SQ. Also here there are constraints, but as this product has no upgrade potential, there is no redundant SQ capacity… that you would otherwise take advantage of with the NDX2 if you were to upgrade its PSU.
So bang for buck, and you don’t mind always tethering, the ND5XS2 is great… and enjoyable.
The NDX2 is more refined and capable from a usability perspective, and it can be upgraded. Out of the box, the NDX2 has more refined electronics for analogue reconstruction, and appears to provide a fuller more involved sound to my ears listening on various Naim systems.

However the OP suggests bass room resonance and over hang… other than probably best to try some basic room treatments… as that will likely bring the best SQ improvement… but given that I feel the slightly constrained bandwidth feel of the ND5XS2 will probably suit better.


As usual, different ears different impressions… On my last direct comparison between the two, the ND5 XS2 sounded more ‘rounded’ and a tad ‘darker’ than the NDX2, with no less a capacity to involve musically, on the contrary. In my experience, the move from entry levels to upper levels in Naim ranges usually coincides with more clarity, more detail but not necessarily with a greater enjoyability.
My opinion only.


The ND5 XS 2 has a more rushed & less refined presentation than the NDX 2. This was most evident when Naim did their demo at the Bristol HiFi show through a 500 series system. More deeper, dynamic, engaging, fluent, refined, seductive & less stressed in the mix was my take from it, especially when an external PSU was added.


I agree that the choice of streamer depends upon each listener’s ears and preference. I ordered a NDX2 and while waiting for delivery my dealer lent me their ND5X2.
This was good but I felt it was disappointing. When the NDX2 arrived, wow what a difference straight out of the box, no warm up period etc.
My wife who normally doesn’t comment said’wow I can hear why you wanted this’.
My opinion only according to my ears and don’t wish to offend anyone.


Often one also has to add a power supply, as you have mentioned as well, for a new “whole”.

That kind of sounds similar to my recollection at Naim HQ, Salisbury in their main audition room. But it was a few years ago now. I think it was using mid range amplification like a Nova or similar.


To be fair, a 500 system is going to expose any shortcomings in an XS level source that would not be highlighted in the same way with a Nait. That doesn’t seem like a very balanced way to demo a streamer to me.

(There, I managed to say that without using the M word!)


Hi Chris,
i found it a very interesting demo as in experiencing the importance of the ‘source first’ mantra. Sure the ND5 XS 2 made a very good fist for itself, but it was only when the other players went in (NDX 2/555/ND555) that one could really experience what was ultimately going on here. Same songs, same volume level. Sounded like different bands to me from one player to the next. An eye or ear opener for sure.

With the higher end players it was if the time/music had slowed right down [articulately], and just naturally flowed as opposed to trying too hard and rushing things along like with the lesser players. Tonally all very similar but temporally all very different.

P.S Not long after that demo i went out and purchased a ND5 XS 2 to go with my then 5Si. It was only when i purchased my SN3/HCDR that i felt an upgrade to a NDX 2 status was more appropriate, and when i did i could hear the very same attributes that i’d experienced at that Naim demo, so the NDX 2 stayed and then later upgraded with an XPS DR. Needless to say, i’m very much a source first guy now.


I am getting very confused. I have a SN3 and an ND5XS2. I will be upgrading to the NDX2. I will start out with the NDX2 without the external power supply. I will add the cheaper external PS when and if my dealer gets one in trade. Although I can afford it, there is something that blocks me from spending the $$$ for the 555PS. For me the total cost of streaming would then become unjustified for a system based on the SN3. Am I crazy?

I am also adding Utopia headphones going into the headphone amp of the SN3, which will be an added cost.


You are right, with the money of 555 dr, you can have 282/250 dr instead.
You add an xps dr later and you have a well balanced system.


Shortly, when the NDX2 arrives, you will find you’ve made a sound decision, even if you never add a power supply. Enjoy. The NDX2 is a 5 star streamer.


@Jaybar good question.

Imho, source first - up to a point. Balance counts and so do VFM and convenience.

I have NDX2 + XPSDR with 52/SC/300DR. Adding the PS was 100% justified by the SQ - with those amps.

In Tasmania, I knew I would be using 82/HC/250. We compared the streamers before shipping anything. Even with the lesser amps, NDX2 was better and adding PS made an audible difference. However, those differences were not worth the £ to me, so I bought the ND5XS2 for Tassie - it is good and quite good enough.

If I get an itch for NDX2 level in Tassie, I’ll just buy an old nDAC on eBay to help the ND5XS2. If I want to add the XPSDR (or above) to that, I can and I’d expect to hear the difference.

If I already had NDX2 and SN3 and no other source, I’d be very happy. If I wanted more, I’d probably get a Hicap first (extra cheap on eBay), and then think again about whether I wanted to take a next step.

That next step (if I wanted yet another step) could be XPSDR for the NDX2, but I’d be more likely to spend the cash on olive 82 and 250 (selling the SN3) or perhaps 282/250 - better visually but not better SQ to me and a good deal more money. And then I might still get the XPSDR.

OTOH, I wouldn’t be surprised by people in that situation getting that PS ahead of that amp change, esp if they want to keep box count under some kind of control, because the question of better amp or better PS is not one with obvious Right and Wrong answers.

Of course, it looks a bit different if you have other sources for your SN3…

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Go to the Naim website dealer locator and put in New York.

In looking for a NYC Naim dealer, I looked at what I believed to be all three. None provided home auditions as a matter of practice. I chose Innovative Audio because they were willing to provide a level of home after sale tech support that I needed because of my disability. Also I had intermittent history with the owner over a 40 year period. So far I am very satisfied.

Because of my disabilities, my circumstances and needs may be different from others here. That is the vexing thing about forums such as this. Things are more nuanced than some comments here would suggest. On balance the forum members have been most helpful which is appreciated.


It sounds like you have a good answer for you, having collected many opinions and some data: well done!

I,don’t think any offence is caused or taken, you are simply stating the age old adage “ you get what you pay for”


If only that were always true…

Just wondering if the owners of Naim streamers suffers from the slight “acceptable” transformer hum as compared with the amplifiers? Meaning, hum from the unit itself (audible within an arm’s length, inaudible when music is played) and not through the speakers.

I think that, that is possible with any large toroidal transformer.

However, easily overcome by using a DC Blocker.