Is there an audible benefit in running preamp output through the power supply

Hi, newbie here and, like a lot of people, I suspect, a bit confused about interconnect cabling. I’m using a 112 preamp, 150 power amp and Flatcap 2. At the moment I have the signal out from the preamp going to the power amp directly. I just realised that Naim recommend taking the signal out from the preamp and connecting it to the Flatcap and then to the power amp. I understand that this for earthing reasons.
Before I start powering everything down and crawling in behind the rack I wonder whether there will be any clear audible improvements by doing this? I’m happy with the sound at the moment, but, like everybody, if I can improve it I’ll be happier!

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See the faq on here

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For your benefit:


Also bear in mind that right now you have power being fed to the NAC112 both from the NAP150 and the Flatcap2. This can over-stress the regulators, which could lead to failure.


Thanks for the info. I swopped the cable and it does seem to have an audible benefit. A bit more kick at the bottom end was my immediate impression.
Thanks again for the help.


Hi John, just to be clear the naim approach isn’t a recommendation / preference. It’s designed and needs to be connected that way.
Enjoy the system, nac112, 150, flatcap was my first naim system and still going strong in the family.

Hi, thanks again. After living with the system correctly for the past few days the sound is so much better when everything is connected correctly. Initially I thought that it might just be my ears wanting to hear an improvement, but there’s no doubt that music is more focused, with more space around the instruments and more “welly” in the bottom end.
This is my second Naim system, I previously had a very early NAC12N (Serial #0550), SNAPS (Serial # 0085) and chrome bumpered 250. The 250 gave up the ghost and I switched to Meridian kit for a few years before dipping my toes in Naim waters again. I still have the NAC12 and Snaps in the attic in the original boxes.


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