Isoacoustics Gaia Setting Up and Performance

I have cerapucks under the Fraimlite. They are very good :+1:

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Yes, worth considering under the rack. And probably some sites do try and return policy.

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OT but, a few weeks ago I was at the Dutch market introduction of the Marten Coltrane 3 at a well known high-end retailer (probably the #1 here). Powered by a full chain of CH Precision electronics. With everything connecting and surrounding - easily a 300K plus setup. Pretty crazy but it was a few years since I was blown away that much. Every now & then it’s good to update your reference points with the art of the possible I think. I never heard such scale, power, precision and musicality blended like this before. These speakers (& the rest) are beyond amazing and left me speechless.

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My understanding is the isolators are actually manufactured by IsoAcoustics. I believe this is mentioned on the Marten website

From official site:

I wonder how an entire Fraim on Gaia’s would work? (if at all)

I suppose the physics are very different because the stuff on the Fraim doesn’t have moving cones

For the rack you have to use damping-insulation platforms for each floor, as far as I know.
‘Acapella Fondato Silenzio’ is made for this reason, and for loudspeaker, as said before.
But there is many other model from other brand, I report this, because I know this.
Amps and source are the elements that benefit the most, usually.

I have the Musical Fidelity NuVista 600 (31 kgs) on the rack on Gaia’s III with spectacular results as well, and it doesn’t have moving cones, :wink: .

I’m not saying that it can’t work, maybe it does for whatever reasons, but if we are assuming that the Gaias generally work due to engineering and not due to magic, then the physics are different. Whatever result this may have.

Maybe in your case they work because the weight of the equipment is at the upper end of the range for which the Gaia III are rated. For speakers, Isoacoustics recommend switching to Gaia II at a considerably lower weight already, because at the upper end of the range they become very compressed. Who knows, you might be lucky and this is working for your units

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Haven’t tried anything on my fraim racks, but would be a bit worried that I would lock in any nasty stuff trying to exist from the gear through the fraim, speaker’s are very different to what on the racks

The Solitude Feet are now in and both look and sound good. I have, however, substituted discs of 3mm nitrile cork for the sorbothane and the soundstage has opened up a notch further.

Nitrile cork seems to be the bottom layer in the Blue Horizon spike shoes that I have also used. It seems an interesting material for our purposes.

I’ve just bought some Gaia II for my 33Kg Dynaudio Contour 3.4’s they will be sighted on carpet but carpet that has no pile at all the matching carpet spikes are recommended for medium to thick carpet so I’ll try without first.

Beneath the carpet is a wooden suspended floor it’s a relatively old house perhaps 100 years so the floors are not perfectly level so setting the Gaia up may be a trial.

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When researching decoupling I came across some interesting videos on setting Gaia’s up on YouTube, I settled on Podiums (which are extremely easy) but I do have Gaia’s under my av sub, on carpet, yep bit more of a faff.
My Podiums are on a suspended floor and if your experience is as mine.
Happy Day :blush:


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