Xanthe created at thread 2 years ago for acoustic isolation platforms using brass plumbing stop ends, silicone nitride balls and glass shelves. The idea was to provide acoustic reflection using different materials. This principle is critical to the whole idea. and is completely different from vibration absorption, ala isocoustic etc.
I completed mine about a month ago and can confirm that it made a significant improvement to my humble NAC62 / NAP140 / HiCap. Everything improved: clarity, micro detail, timbre, layering and depth. It was immediately obvious and I now hear things in music which I’ve played for 40 years which were not just veiled before but actually not audible at all. Quite a revelation and a big thank you to Xanthe.
The 62/140, LP12 and dac sit on an abortion of a built in unit which covers the sloping roof of the stair-way behind it. As it’s a bit warped, the 62/140 and home made wooden platform with adjustable feet for levelling for the LP12, sit on a 14mm piece of slate to provide a level platform.
I didn’t use glass for the isolation shelf, instead I just used ceramic tiles - glazed side down - and with tape wrapped around the edges to hide the top surface of the tiles. I have no intention of changing it to glass as it sounds so good. Plus the whole lot cost about £20
I did try a (very large) tile under the LP12 but it made no difference (the brass stop ends in the photo are cosmetic only). In fact it made the TT unstable as the tile wobbled on the ball bearings. The HiCap sits on the floor but didn’t try one under it.
My means are limited so I’ve never got into “upgradeitis”, rather making the most of what I have by tweaks, paying attention to set up and cable runs, and careful choice of ancillary items. The sum of all the incremental changes I’ve made are additive and I really think I’ve got a genuine synergy with my set up and just love it. It’s way better now than it ever was and it never ceases to give me shivers when I listen. The word “Exquisite” comes to mind.
Naim just keeps on giving, even humble CB kit. It’s all in there. You just have to unlock it.