
I tried my 52 and my CDX2 but neither sounded very good. I much preferred everything on the standard shelves. In fact I found the sensitive stuff sounded best on their bamboo shelves but the heavier stuff sounded better on the older laminated MDF shelves. I agree that this arrangement wasn’t ultra resolving but it was very organic and musical. My dealer use to swear by the Quadraspire Pro (the wobbly grey one) and it was years before he got a Naim Fraim.


@Geko I did a quick check and put the zenith on the bamboo shelf without Fraim glass.
Not very promising as 2 feet were above the gap in the shelf. Feet are coated with some foam which makes it worth in wheight distribution…
Sound wise …
Don’t know if I heared a difference… maybe a bit more musical on wood, maybe not.
Have you also tried Fraim glass on quadraspire svt ?
No - it was before Fraim era? Correct?

Sorry - do not know how the older quadraspire racks look like

I’m experimenting with the IsoAcoustics ZaZen II platforms under my NDX 2 & SN3. Will report back once everything arrives.


I’ve recently purchased some Auva 70’s for my speakers, and due to delivery delays they added a set of auva equipment isolators, which I’m going to have a play with


I have to admit I didn’t try the SVT bamboo shelves. I had the earlier version. To be honest I wouldn’t worry too much about the slots as I guessing Qudraspire would have tested both three and four feet items. Maybe use it without glass for a week and then put it back in to get the ‘feel’ for the change?

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Thought about stack audio isolators too, but for the server I need to dismantle the current feet as they are on strategic positions. Would
Ike to avoid this kind of fiddle :blush:

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Thanks a lot! I think quadraspire made Their homework.
With most of the items it can easily be placed, but zenith has an asymmetrical feet Design as well as these soft foam (former version had silicone pads) under the feet which is „pressed“ in the gap.

Had you tested it with 52/cdx with Fraim glass plus frail accessories?

Here a picture of the feet - foam on glass is no problem


I mixed up chopping board with glass and ball bearings, despite reading the thread, sorry!

Use Gaias under speakers in kitchen/diner, since trying to position them in a tight space with spikes is too tricky. On a solid wooden floor, fairly neutral, sprung base to the cabs, but solved an issue.

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I acquired a few second hand (auction site) Fraim shelves a few years back and thought I’d start transitioning my ‘brains’ stack across to them and leave the power supplies on the Quadraspire. However, I wasn’t happy with the sound of my Fraim. I finally rang my Dealer and told him the Fraim wasn’t any good and that preferred the Quadraspire. He asked if I’d re-tightened the Fraim but of course I hadn’t! He sent one of his lads round who proceeded to strip and reassemble everything with the appropriate force. After that it sounded great. Added a second Fraim a few months later.


Again, if it works on glass it works!


It works with glass! I should not read too much here.
But for aesthetic reasons :rofl: I thought to put the zenith inside Fraim - have to exchange with Olive supercap so.
Zenith will than be directly above 555ps. Now he his complete on its own on quadraspire

That made the overall view different - when quadraspire was better than full Fraim something was wrong (like tightening and other Fraim tweaks). And maybe quadraspire is very good, wich I think it is. :blush:

Yep, I could live without a Fraim as long as I had a quadraspire!

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I had the older style Evo4, but had a glass top shelf on mine.


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I thought you did as I have done - putting additional Glas shelves on quadraspire.
I know that this it not intended purpose. If I could I would have avoided.
But difference seems minimal - and hard to recognize.
And … all tweaks of system were done with server on Glas :blush:

Only option - bringing him in main Fraim … but there he is less „alone“

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I think if it’s glass shelves were designed by Quadraspire then it should be fine. I’m just less convinced by the Naim glass and balls working on a Quadraspire but youll never know unless you try for yourself. There’s a much more interesting story that underpins all of this but it’ll have to wait until I’ve got a bit more time.

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I don’t know, how the glass shelf have a better isolation than the wood. The reason why I never use glass is because of vibration with or without the ball bearings.

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Don’t tell the story. :rofl: please do not - don’t want to doubt again.
Really - it works on glass added to quadraspire - for me… all the wow moments with sigma…
On wood it is a bit less edgy - correct. But on glass a bit more pushy.
Balance is all ! Is it?

Or … I will put it into Fraim - above 555ps…what do you think. My gut tells me it’s better isolated on quadraspire - even on additional glass

As a matter of fact I like some Mc guyvering with my system …
Without this „solution“ I would not had the chance to add PN :blush:


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