Jazz Music Thread

It read to me like you were suggesting starting another thread. To clarify, The Reggae thread isn’t about Reggae per se, but Jamaican Music as a whole, which is a much broader church than one might think.

Sorry, I was not clear. I should have written « subject « , the subject of Jamaican / carribean jazz musicians. My post was intended to follow other posts above related to it.

Big thanks to @Nick1940

Andy Hamilton MBE - 1918 to 2012


AllMusic Review by Ron Wynn

Andy Hamilton would have gotten raves if this album had been issued on a major label instead of World Circuit. Rounder has now issued it, and Hamilton’s robust, swaggering tenor tone alone should open eyes and ears. Hamilton is joined by top stars from both America and England; David Murray and Jean Toussaint offer blistering solos on their cuts, while vibist Orphy Robinson, pianist Jason Rebello, and percussionist Mamdi Kamara provide sterling assistance. Hopefully, enough people will discover this release to get Hamilton another one; he certainly deserves it.

AllMusic Review by Carl Hoyt

A capital D Discovery, after a lifetime playing local gigs in Birmingham (Eng., not AL), sax-player Hamilton plays an Anglo-Jamaican jazz hybrid that is never fully any one style except his own. Starting with a gorgeous Professional Uhuru style highlife, he moves through some nice, bluesy jazz and some Cubanesque reggae/mento-jazz that would flip your wig if it didn’t work so well.

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Serious subject matter but still lively upbeat and great fun


Saw the Hobgood trio perform at a Hi Fi show years ago in Chicago and had a nice conversation with them after the concert.


Just found this 9 min video of Chick, Roy and Vitous playing the Bush White House: first a raw and edgy improvisation, then Autumn Leaves, then Monk.

Oh happy days…


That’s really good. Thanks for sharing.

Enjoying this right now.



Another old timer has left us for the jazz clubs in the sky. He made 92 but had been poorly for a while.
Together with Bobby Timmons ,Ray Bryant and brother Garland he was ever present on 60s lps. I think I saw him play once with Dizzy Gillespie but as good as parts of my memory are it could well have been ??
Much to enjoy from his long life on Qobuz.


That is a most beautifully recorded cd.I would certainly pay to hear them if and when ever.
If only marketing allowed every musician to exist in their own right instead of endless comparisons with Miles and Chet.
Good find.


Relaxing morning with Ahmad Jamal



Colin Steele is a new name to me so thanks for posting. Another album I discovered worth checking out…


Jazz from Scotland. Colin Steele is one of a new breed of musicians able not only to play music based on his Celtic heritage, but also to base himself in his home country and make a living. This situation itself is recent. Formerly it would have been necessary for a musician wanting to make an international jazz career to move to London (as in the case of the likes of Jim Mullen or Bobby Wellins) or New York (such as Joe Temperley). Nowadays a scene has built up in Edinburgh with musicians such as Tommy Smith and Brian Kellock. Caber Records has been documenting the scene, and regularly picking up awards for its recordings. Every night of the week you can find exciting gigs at Henry’s Jazz Bar or jazz musicians working happily with folk musicians. The surprising thing about the evolution of this new generation is that it hasn’t developed…

line up

Colin Steele - trumpet
Michael Buckley – tenor/soprano saxophones
Dave Milligan – piano
Aidan O’ Donnell - double bass
Stu Ritchie – drums

Special Guests:
Tom Bancroft – bodhran (Don Camillo’s Revenge)
David Robertson– congas (Kirsten’s Jig)



Great find, thanks

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This is a great album by RM:


I will check it, thanks. Looks promising.

Managed to find these on Tidal
Nice to see the original Blue Bogey, unfortunately sounds like it’s been transferred from a scratchy LP.
This one has more tracks and better sound
And this one

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erotica suite by john gordon

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Grover Washington, and Ralph Mcdonnald.

Hi @narcom thanks for the Cecilie Strange recommendations. Lovely album, played it twice … nice !

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