Jazz Music Thread

“Just had notice that the new Marcin Wasilewski Trio album vinyl on ECM is going back from June to September - definitely impacts coming through now…”

…the one conciliation is that we do have the time to dig out some older albums
and fill in time.

Life is grand is the music is sweet


Their are two releases of that concert Memories above and also ‘Four’ there was also a double CD of both releases called Live in Tokyo. I have a Japaneses CD release of Memories on Paddle Wheel/King Records which is excellent and a German reissue of Four on Bellaphon which is also pretty good as is Live In Tokyo which is over in Spain so I cant check which issue.
The vinyl issues of Memories and Four are now way too much for my taste so I can’t comment.



No luck I’m afraid on Qobuz.


Not the best reproduction but here is a film of the whole concert.

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just ried this one @carruthersesq: thanks for recommending; very nice !

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They have also produced a soul compilation which is also very good.

Put on to this by Richard Dane of this forum. Great record and great reissue.


Assume following Richard’s recommendation you picked up the whole catalogue - if not well worth investigating.


Listening to very nice HiRes transfers on Qobuz.

I agree. Richard turned me onto these and I bought the complete set individually. The boxed set no longer in print.

I think this has to be my favourite of the TP’s so far.
Almost sounds like a different recording to my RVG CD.

Why? Are you suggesting it should be renamed The Jazz ( not on vinyl) Music Thread?

Sorry but you can get the impression the format is more important than the music.

Not yet AndyP though I have streamed them all and am keeping an eye out for reasonably priced vinyl copies of Dusk Fire another real gem and also Phase III.

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I suppose it can appear that way Dave and I’m probably a bit guilty of posting what format I’m playing but of course you are right the music does come first.

Vinyl copy (sorry Dave) of the most excellent out of the BLUE by Sonny Red

Search out the Barry Diament mastered CD’s of albums one and two, easy to find , check the small print on the booklets for his credit. I think they were the first masters for CD, they sound much better and very crankable, little compression. Not sure he even worked from the master tapes, but they sound delightful.



Knowing the format is helpful because if the posting is a vinyl then it may not be available on cd or, and in particular streaming, as with the Chet Baker, so do I want to spend time trying to search for it and have a listen.


Previously unreleased concert from November 2007.

On Qobuz.