Jazz Music Thread

Just ordered it! :joy:

Along with another seven :cd: recommend above :grin:

Staying away from Miles though :wink: :shushing_face:


Your division of Coltrane’s output pre- and post- A Love Supreme suggests that you do at least recognise it as the pinnacle of artistic achievement that it truly is. I get goosebumps just thinking about it even now. I can remember how I just didn’t get it at first, that I set it aside for years, then went back and eventually it clicked. What a masterpiece it is! I am thankful to be alive at a time to be able to experience and enjoy it.


Talking of My Favourite things, a strong contender for my favourite Grant Green album is Matador.
Stealing Bob Cranshsaw, McCoy Tyner and Elvin Jones away from Tranes band, Green even has the front to brilliantly pull off a cover of Tranes interpretation of My Favourite Things.
Recorded in '64 but not released I dont think until much later in the nineties for perhaps obvious reasons.
It also happens to be my most favourite Blue Note from the Music Matters series of BN re issues.


No argument! If you recall the start of our conversation I agreed with you, to reiterate its post ALS where I start bailing out

Not sure if your being tongue in cheek, if not and you dont mind me saying, I think youre being a bit daft to blindly dismiss all Miles especially the period from the mid fifties when John Coltrane and Red Garland were in the band as previously suggested.

What is it exactly that you dont like? Just trying to get a handle on it. No worries like what you like, dislike what you dont of course

You guys love fantastic albums! :ok_hand:

If you love Red Garland and Paul Chambers I would throw
„Art Pepper meets the Rhythm Section“ in the ring.

I can recommend the actual Craft Acoustic Sounds edition. In these days the price is affordable and worth every penny. The sound is incredible and the artists show such a harmony together. This is one is worth a listen. :wink:


Arguably one of Coltrane’s best albums…

Released in 1963 just prior to ALS. The quartet with McCoy Tyner, Jimmy Garrison and Elvin Jones was clearly moving towards a peak. If you only listen to one track then listen to Alabama but the whole album is sublime jazz. No prisoners taken here.




I was being ‘tongue in cheek’.
Seriously though, every time I listen to a MD album, I instantly don’t like the tone of his instrument. There is a certain sharpness to it that grates with me. That’s it!
All these other artists/albums mentioned today that I like as recommended by yourself and a few others, the musicians are playing with a very smooth and warm sound. That’s how it comes across to me.
MD always seems sharp and cold.
That’s the best I can describe it.


Already have this thanks to a recommendation from this thread.
Lovely album. :+1:

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To quote “Miles Davis’ tone has been described as “a man walking on eggshells”. His harsh tone can make for difficult listening to outsiders, but once you get it, you’re hooked.”

Just keep taking the medicine. :grinning:



Interesting quote!


A favourite of mine.


Nice description, @jazzman22

As I started to get more and more into Jazz, MD was the one who catched me fastly. I had more problems to come along with Coltrane. It took a long time for me to really like A Love Supreme. But the more I could get into it, the better was the feeling of listening to it. Now, every new listening session is more fascinating.


Especially the Mono

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An amusing quote I cant recall where I read it so not actually verbatim but something like…
John Coltrane expressed difficulty in knowing how to finish his solo’s to which Miles replied take the saxophone out of your mouth!



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I’ve never really considered his tone to be harsh, more soulful and expressive especially with the mute. Even on later material that I like less I dont really hear harsh. :man_shrugging:

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Just listened and I like it. I don’t love it, but certainly like elements of the piece.

I then listened to the first three tracks from the album. In general, I like it. I think I could get to really like this album with multiple listens :grin: :+1:

The piano playing in particular I really like after one listen :musical_keyboard:

@jazzman22 , thanks.

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I have a vague recollection I may have mentioned this one before?
Good stuff !!!?

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Miles Davis (t), Sonny Stitt (s), Wynton Kelly (p), Paul Chambers (b), Jimmy Cobb (d)

Miles Davis (t), John Coltrane (s), Wynton Kelly (p), Paul Chambers (b), Jimmy Cobb (d)

Try these two (or at least one!) - they probably got me hooked on Miles more than all the others (though I do love a lot of them !)