Jazz Music Thread


Tv in the background showing Bayern beating the hell on Barcelona … tv sound off and Ben Webster on :slight_smile: perfect


Then you should listen to this album from HDTT with a fantastic sound quality. Wonderful
live performance.

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Sounds good on Qobuz -> Roon. :grinning:


PS and there’s Vol. 2 to explore.

Thanks, you are right, although Qobuz has it only 16/44,1.

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This is a very good album and finding a physical CD copy is not too difficult; there are currently 29 available through Discogs. I am not aware that it came out on vinyl but that may simply be lack of research on my part.

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A dream piano, guitar, bass trio album.

Listening to a cd rip on Roon upsampled to 384khz ( for those interested in these things). :grinning:


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Shure, I am. Do you post your roon signal path?

It is also available on Tidal and Qobuz.

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There’s always a first time:


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Arne Domnérus is to my opinion representing the best of jazz from Scandinivia. This album is recorded in a church and has a massive organ in it sounding magnificent


Locked Down Jazz Appreciation - Album of the Week

25: Keith Jarrett: The Köln Concert (ECM)
Fate almost conspired against Keith Jarrett making The Köln Concert, which was recorded live in Cologne, then in West Germany, on 25 January 1975. The Pennsylvanian pianist, then 29, was suffering from excruciating back pain as well as fatigue after a long drive to the gig, only to find that the piano wasn’t to his satisfaction. Jarrett initially refused to play but eventually relented, sitting down to deliver 66 spellbinding minutes of solo piano extemporisation. By turns lyrical and febrile, the music just seemed to pour out of him in a cathartic torrent of emotions. The resulting album quickly gained notoriety and, to date, it remains the biggest-selling album of unaccompanied piano music. Jarrett has recorded many solo piano albums since, and they’re all good, but none of them can top the transcendent feeling that defines The Köln Concert.

Key song: ‘Part 1

I’ll be away for a couple of weeks, from next weekend, and won’t be posting another album until early September.

Many thanks to all those that support my posts with a “like”.



Empirical well worth checking out, funnily enough I came to their Out n In album via a Naim goodie bag, I’ve also got the album Tabula Rasa do check that out


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You are spoiling us. :grinning:


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If British jazz was in a healthier state, audience wise, this band would be packing the punters in.


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I think British “Jazz” is currently in an increasingly healthy state thanks to the young forward looking and inclusive Jazz Re:freshed scene. Hopefully when we get back to live music post Covid this will become more widely acknowledged.
The two Jazz Re:fest events to date have certainly been packing in a remarkably inclusive and diverse audience.
Other than my first love of Jamaican music, my music buying has been almost exclusively from the new young British “Jazz” movement, I’ve been eagerly lapping it up and pleased to realise that I’m still only scratching this surface.
Good times

