Jazz Music Thread

This is excellent. Thanks for the recommendation.

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Many thanks



Would you believe it! Just arrived packaging totally trashed, I rejected it and sent the driver away with a flea in his ear, now waiting for a replacement hopefully by Friday

Oh no, not you too! I guess it’s a really big, heavy box and if it gets dropped…

It’s no wonder the Beatles Mono box came packaged like it did (superbly btw) as that’s what’s needed to survive the rigours of courier shipping.

It’s the second time in a month that river drivers have trashed my parcels, this one looked like they been playing rugby with it! Also had two other orders these last few weeks that were marked on my acount as delivered that I didnt recieve.
Yes, goods need to be packaged well but it’s not much use if drivers/handlers abuse them.
At least the rivers customer service is usually prompt but it’s still an unnecessary hassle.

Spent the evening with two of my teenage friends.
Wonderful music.

And what a fabulous David Stone Martin cover on the Charlie Parker.
His art work was quite an influence on us art students.


I’ve just recieved a replacement and unpacked it.

I get what you say about the sleeves they’ve even printed an outline of the flip back which just looks naff.

The whole set appears like it’s been made to look old and aged, not sure I like the faux reproduction browning and mould spots on the booklet! I’m imagining the musty smell to complete the effect.

But if it sounds good…


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Did it come with a mattress? :grinning:

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Got the set via Universal when it was first offered on their site. The courier service was by Hermes - diabolical.

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No, mine came with a footstool
Mattress comes with the Super Deluxe edition

I just noticed slight damage to the outer slip case, I guess I can live with.

Yes, my experience with rivers own drivers lately has been appalling. Hermes are another lousy company.
I used to work for the UK public national mail carrier and was a Trade Union rep pre privatisation. When the Mails service was effectively de regulated we warned of cowboy operators taking advantage. We would never treat packages badly or even deliver damaged ones, if we did robust disciplinary action would be taken. But that was back in the day when providing care and quality service was priority.
I digress, guess what I’m going to mostly be listening too…


Bandcamp 16/44,1 DR12
„ On this recording, from December 1996 at the legendary and now closed Copenhagen Jazzhouse, he is joined by two masters in their own right; Marc Johnson on bass and Paul Motian on drums. This trio plays with virtuosity and force that shines through on every note and beat. “


DPD aren’t much better. I recently had to send my NAT-01 back for service. My NA retailer had selected DPD as the transport agent as it was during the period when he was closed. I’d carefully packed everything up and wrapped the boxes in thick wrapping paper. I’d written FRAGILE in large letters on every surface. When the driver came to collect it I handed him the NAPST box and told him that it was quite heavy and fragile. He bent forward slightly and dropped the box on the ground as he turned to take the tuner box. Fortunately it landed flat, but I then added that the contents were irreplaceable and begged him to take care. English not being his native tongue, I’m not even sure he understood.

I didn’t watch anymore.

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Well as we are denied access to Qobuz I have been into the vaults for tonight’s entertainment.
Two more oldies…

Bean teaching the boppin youngster about business.
A few old mates and more youngsters.
We will try this for resfreshment
Named for Charlie Parker… looks a little alcohol light for me.


The problem, since the opening up of the mails market, is that many of these courier companies hire delivery drivers on a so called “self employed” basis with completely unrealistic workloads and exploitative terms and conditions which leads to this kind of uncaring poor service and terrible impact on the lives of those exploited workers.
Ken Loach’s recent film Sorry We Missed You exposes the reality of these courier workers and I recommend seeing it.
When I was a TU rep (30 years service) we had procedural agreements with Royal Mail that ensured delivery staff were not subject to unrealistic workloads and therefore importantly weren’t forced to cut corners thus protecting their health, safety and accordingly maintain quality of service.
Unfortunately since privatisation Royal Mail has been under pressure from cowboy competitors to abandon its public service obligations and join a race to the bottom to drive down costs (wages, T&C’s) and maximise profits. That said I still think the RM service to be a cut above and rarely suffer the kind of issues experienced from its competitors.
Anyway back to the music before Richard produces the red card :grin:


Nick, Qobuz is working just fine out in Seattle, Washington…

Starting listening in chronological order. Played the first 3 LP’s so far and comments about the sleeves etc aside the pressings are superb, lovely and quiet not a single pop or click.
As a Tubby Hayes neophyte I’m really enjoying this music and discovering these recordings for the first time. As the original sleeve notes say on TUBBS no one was interested in modern British Jazz. Beggars belief really on first listen as to why that would be this is easily the equal or even better than the Jazz coming from across the pond that I’ve heard from this period. Snobbery?

A lot of British Jazz was very much taken for granted over that period. The US product was viewed as the ‘real deal’ and local bands, sadly, not deemed to be up to the same standard. Maybe the extra ‘ferocity’ and drive of many US players may have contributed.

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No; it seems to be a problem uniquely for my account.
I endlessly whinge on under the heading Quobuz problem in the streaming department.

My friend (and best man all those years ago) keeps me informed from Santa Cruz Ca.
Not my sorta stylist but I am sure many of you will be familiar with his work.