Jazz24 Dropping out

Anyone else suffering from dropouts when streaming Jazz24.

Reported it to Linn who have checked things out and reported that it’s the same for them during testing.


Jazz 24 app on iPad perfectly stable. :+1:t2:

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Isn’t jazz meant to be about the missing notes?


Thanks. It was stable on my PC and office system earlier when I was doing some work.

Listening to Dexter Gordon, Daddy plays the Horn on Qobuz now, so I’ll listen to Jazz24 a bit later.


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It’s about filling in all the missing notes whether they are or not.
Why play 3 notes when you can play 10. :thinking: :rofl: :+1:t2:


Seems ok on both my Airable and radio playlist URL today.
Maybe a temp Jazz24 glitch.

If you have future problem it is opportunity to try ALR Jazz (from Columbia) - a lovely station.

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No. Here in Italy through a Naim 333 it works perfectly .

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