Jazz24 no longer available?

Has something gone awry between Jazz24 and vTuner/iRadio? I think it’s quite a popular station.

The existing link simply won’t play any longer - keeps telling me to reconnect.

I manually added the station with a URL given on their web page https://www.jazz24.org/streaming-links/ and which is playing fine on my computer as I type this, but the NSS333 says ‘station unavailable’ when I try to connect.

This is the only radio station I am having trouble with, although I haven’t gone off to test random other stations to check them. All my other favourites are still playing.

I’ve contacted vtuner without receiving a reply. I also contacted Jazz 24 and they have done a recent software upgrade and have contacted vtuner again to request fixng the problem. It is absent from my Naim app and my Auralic Lightning app with vtuner being the common denominator.

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Oh dear, station is MIA. I despair with internet streaming services and am reverting more and more to good old fashioned disc spinners and proper radio.


Forgive me, I’d missed the connection between Jazz24 and the BBC. What is it? Has BBC Radio been sold to the Americans?

Apologies. Wrong stream.
see Best internet radio anyone? - Streaming Audio - Naim Audio - Community

It is a vTuner/Naim issue that @Stevesky is trying to fix.

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Vtuner is the company used by streaming radio stations to make their streams available to many streamers including Naim and Auralic. They are very slow to update their database once a station makes changes to their streaming products. Jazz 24 is the latest victim. Here is Canada, we lost our our national broadcaster CBC (Cannadian Broadcasting Corporation) for close to 2 weeks earlier this year, before Vtuner fixed the problem.

I contacted Naim at the time and they responded within hours and contacted Vtuner, who then took 12 days to fix the problem. Vtuner never responded to my e-mail.

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When vtuner has issues we use the Radio Box app on iPad.

AirPlay to streamer.

Jazz24 is on there, as is pretty much everything else!

Thanks IainO. That’s a good work around.

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They never do!

Jazz 24 is back on both Naim and Auralic Lightning streaming software. Jazz 24 kindly notified me today that vtuner has fixed the problem. I had reported the issue to the station.

Jazz 24 has excellent programming and a pretty decent sound.

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Well I suppose that is fine as long as you live near to where Jazz24 is playing. Otherwise it has no bearing.

You missed the point. While this thread is about Jazz24 going awol for a while, my comment was more about streaming services in general. Don’t get me wrong, I stream music in addition to my other sources, but I find streaming to be the most frustrating, and I’m using it less and less.

Whilst I can understand that statement for streaming music services, the same cannot be said for Internet Radio. Its a fantastic service, thats both free and gives you access to stuff you have no other way of hearing. Its a shame some go to the wall, but I dont think the two can be lumped in the same bowl.

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I agree. Internet radio is extremely good, there is so much out there. We play Jazz24 most of the day for background listening.

For what we describe as, serious listening, we use Qobuz, often exploring further, artistes, tracks and albums heard on Jazz24.

We have found that this has diversified our listening, not having to buy expensive and warped records, which I used to do.

I would say that streaming is a great medium and we are listening to far more music now.

Best decision I ever made.


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Good morning @garyi.

OK, referring only to internet radio, which I agree is a fantastic service and I do get to listen to things I would otherwise struggle to hear, it is without a doubt unreliable. I have a Muso QB and a Nova, both hardwired via a switch to the router. Internet speed is more than I have any use for . But still I get too frequent periods of silence from some stations. Notably with Radio Paradise.

My understanding from various threads on this forum is that V Tuner are slow to respond to problems. When it works, it’s brilliant, but it doesn’t always work. My old fashioned Dab and FM/AM radios never let me down. On the other hand they won’t tune into foreign stations. Swings and roundabouts.

I mostly listen to internet radio via above mentioned units, but I am slowly going back to my old radios. It turns out I don’t really miss stations like Jazz24 or Radio Paradise, and I find that local radio and BBC stations are sufficient.

Sorry, I got rambly. Need a coffee.

How fortunate :rofl::rofl:

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