JJ CALE Reborn in Markus K

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Nice, thanks FR, I’m a big JJCale fan, I approve.
Is his music available as downloads? I can look around myself, but any tips is a shortcut.

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I downloaded some albums through Bandcamp.
He has a YouTube channel too . I even prefer his videos.

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Lacking JJ’s laconic gritty delivery, but a great player for sure

Very good, FR.
My wife and I were playing cribbage last week and we listened to the whole Naturally album. We always listen to music when we play and JJ is one of our old favs. I have a pristine vinyl album of it of course, but no TT yet. C’est dommage …
A friend texted me at the time and I replied, “We’re playing Cribbage, listening to Naturally, and sipping on Jameson’s.”
He texted back, "Ahh … the Holy Trinity … "

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He really is very good!

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Have you discovered some enjoying Markus tracks ?
Just curious

My favourite is Live at looper 2.

Not had time today, busy busy in garden.

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