JPlay on IOS for legacy Naim streamers - anbody tried?

Hi all, I dowloaded a trial of JPLAY for iOS to test the theory that it might improve on SQ over my Roon ROCK/Sonore UPNP bridge arrangement which feeds my NDS. However I couldn’t get JPlay to discover the NDS. No problems using Naim app or Roon over the same network, so I cannot see how it could be a network issue my side. I did check the app had the necessary permissions on the iPad, but no luck. I did get it to sporadically connect to my Muso, but that was extremely bug ridden - what I found was that with Muso on iRadio, JPlay would send its stream and Muso would play music, but it wasn’t possible to control the proceedings in any meaningful way. Perhaps I am missing something or my patience ran out after rebooting every element of the network.

Has anyone managed to get it working on either legacy or newer streamers, and if so, any thoughts on SQ?

I have just installed JPlay, it sees my NAC N272.
I can control the volume of the NAC :slight_smile:
I get an error every time I try to read a song from Tidal. Nothing goes to the NAC :frowning:
I hear only the first second of music when I try to read a song in Qobuz :frowning:
I get an error when I click on pause in Qobuz :frowning:
It is a pity because the app successfully gets all my favorites and playlists from Tidal or Qobuz.
Maybe it will be fixed, but for now it does not work.

I tried and it was a mess. Errors, freezing…. ( with Nds). Mconnect worked better.

Thanks for comments, ill try mconnect.

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Playing around with it on the NSC222. Works great so far. Not sure if they have updated the app or if it just works with the newer streamers.

No bugs, no freeze?
Tidal Hires playing?

No bugs or freezes yet. Playing Tidal now.

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How does it compare to Mconnect, if you had tried the later?

I have had a few drops with Mconnect lite with Tidal. Jplay seems a bit quicker and operates smoother but I have only been using it since yesterday.

It has a ton more features and makes a combined library for Tidal,Qobus, Nas Drive etc. You can also customize the interface, how it ques etc. But it should do a lot more for the price!

Sound wise the Jplay is quite a bit different than both Mconnect and the Naim App. I have been comparing Tidal on Mconnect to Tidal on Jplay and Qobuz on the Naim App vs Qobuz on the Jplay.

I “think” I like the Jplay alot better but it is still early.

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I should then maybe try it with Tidal Hires, as your first impression mirror those of reviews.
But for local streaming, from my Melco, I had freezes . And sometimes playing a new track get playing the track before. So It couldn’t work for me.
Tell me, when you can, if it works flawlessly from your Nas.

Will do! I should have the NAS hooked back up tomorrow.

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I have played with jPlay using my dCS Rossini. The beauty of both jPlay and dCS’s own Mosaic app, contrary to Roon, is that they have absolutely no effect on the sound. They are strictly control point apps and simply issue play commands to the streaming services and UPnP servers (in my case Minim server)

This is significantly different to RAAT, Audirvana, etc. which do “more” than simply issue file playback commands - thus leading many to feel they affect sound quality.

On the dCS forum 1/2 feel ROON sounds the same as Mosaic while the other half disagree. About as expected😉

Interesting. The Jplay app does sound noticeably different than both Mconnect and the Naim App. Does that mean the Naim app and Mconnect app are affecting the sound quality?

As a test, when playing a Tidal hi-res track on my 222 via mconnectLite running on my iPad, I switched Wi-Fi off on the iPad, and the track continued playing. So it would seem that mconnectLite is purely a controller and therefore cannot affect the sound quality I would think.

I do note that unlike the Naim app, mconnectLite appears to issue a command for each track of an album and not for the album as a whole, as with Wi-Fi is turned off it doesn’t then play the next track. Also the gaps between tracks is longer.

Does the Naim App stop playing or continue when you turn off the Wifi?

It looks like Jplay and Mconnect use the upnp input on the NSC222.

Jplay does allow you to adjust the queue method and how long the gap is between each song

Again this morning I was listening to Samara Joy through the Naim App and Then through Jplay. The Jplay had more ease, space and flow then the Naim App. Am I going bonkers?

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I’ll do some more Wi-Fi testing with the Naim app, but you can try yourself.

I think the Naim app would continue playing an album if you disconnect Wi-Fi from the controller (an iPad in my case) but I’m not sure if it would for a playlist.

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Some updates

Jplay works excellent on Qobuz.

With Tidal, some albums don’t show the Hi Res versions even though on Mconnect it does.

There are also some albums that show as CD quality but play as Hi Res.

It has a “radio” feature that continues playing after your initial que is done. It selects similar artists to what you have played before. Unsure if you can turn it off.

Edit: Now tested and the Naim app continues to play an album after Wi-Fi is switched off for the controller (iPad in my case). MconnectLite stops at the end of the track.

I feel there’s no buffering with Mconnect, the order is stopped when WIFI is switched off.
But speculation only.

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Jplay does the same thing when you turn the WiFi off. It may be while there is a slight pause between tracks. Does it send only one song at a time since it’s through the DLNA/UPNP input?