Just bought a SN3

No mistake. HD30 DAC from Hegel.

No mistake I have a Hegel HD 30 DAC and used to have a Hegel HD390 amp which has an inferior DAC (in my opinion) to the HD30.


I would wait a few months before adding anything on the SN3. The sound will get better and stabilise. Only then you will know if it needs help!

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Just enjoy it for what it is I love mine and don’t need anything else.
If you must try a Powerline or HCDR then give them a go.
My mate had a multi box Naim system then while selling it off had a spare HCDR and tried it he said it made changes but in a different direction some might like or not so he tried and thought it more together and musical on its own.
I don’t think mine needs more I’m happy as it is it’s knowing where to stop. :+1:t2:


I agree with that with hindsight, I need to get to know it for a while and enjoy it!


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