JV Interview with Malcolm Steward

Did you work at Salisbury?

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Still my favourite audio writer in history, I well remember the sheer delight of being at University and treating myself to a copy of Audiophile magazine and settling down in a quiet corner of my room with a coffee for a read…

I had the pleasure of meeting him for a beer at Bristol one year back around 2002, he was every bit as nice as I had hoped.

I’m not sure if I would have discovered Naim without him but he was a huge influence on my tastes for sure…

Very sadly missed,



@JimDog - Thank you for posting this. I think I have read it before, but many may not have - and its worth re-reading, as I did… :slightly_smiling_face:

Well said :heart::pray:

Jimdog, to ensure rules aren’t broken I’ve had to remove the direct link to the dealer’s website, however, I’m sure most will be able to easily find the article.

Malcolm is much missed by so many of us.


I’m sure he would have been as shocked to hear this as I am.

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I’m not sure there is any way to get to the article without a link, but maybe I’m missing something.

Anyway I got to it while the link was still there and I really like the following quote just after the quote in the OP.

I’d far rather talk to Einstein on the telephone than talk face to face to a doorman in a hotel. One may be ‘live’ and ‘there’ and visual and all the rest, with perfect presentation and fidelity but it’s the content of the conversation that’s important.

I really like the “attitude”, audio reproduction being full of compromises and these are the compromises I make because it’s how I like things to sound.


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Had not read this interview, very enjoyeable.

Search for ‘Audio Counsel julian vereker malcolm steward article’.


I typed something similar into Google and found the article quite easily.

I couldn’t access it directly via the Retailer’s website.

You can also find it through the Naim website Connection page “Remembering Julian”


The article ends with the JV thoughts on detail, soundstage versus content. I wonder what he would make of the new sound signature?

As long as the content is there (from what i have heard, it is) then what not try to have it all?

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He’d love it!

His unique approach to sound systems has gone though another transformation, combining the best of flatland with a new level of energy, bringing undreamed-of audiological delight to a select proportion of musically-entranced Earthlings. :grin:

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That page describes JV as “co-founder and Managing Director of Naim Audio”.

Who co-founded it with him?

Shirley Clarke.


This photo was taken at the factory for Shirley’s retirement;

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Sorry, not quite as enthusiastic yet myself, i need a few more listening sessions with my own music.

Actually, that post was mainly (naimly) meant in fun.

I’ve only heard the Nait 50 (4 days in my home system) - sounded fast, engaging, coherent and excellent for a small integrated.

Also 222/300/250 at the NW Audio Show into a large pair of KEF blades (not my ideal speaker) with bland music in an asymmetrical 3-walled listening space opening onto a busy hotel corridor.

That sounded fast and surprisingly good, given the speakers and usual show listening conditions.

The 300 series demo gear is probably not even run in yet, so not many can really judge the NC sonic signature yet - that would have to be done with time to spare at a person’s home.

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