Kandid problem?

I noticed over the last couple of weeks that some records were sounding distorted in the louder passages. Especially high frequencies. As most of my listening is in the evening when the light isn’t great I didn’t notice anything obvious. Took this picture today and if doesn’t look great. I don’t think the cantilever should be pointing to right ( as viewed from the bearing). Any thoughts? It’s just over five years old and has had moderate use in that time.

Looks like it’s had a very hard time. :scream:
Either never properly cleaned or has had too much bias or a bump.
Mine looks nothing like that. :thinking:

I clean the stylus with an Audio Technica ulstrasonic. Steer clear of liquids. I don’t touch the beard as my hands aren’t as steady as they used to be and I figure that’s not doing any harm.

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It looks very tired I only use a little hair brush and a carbon hand held on mine.
Be worth getting it cleaned and examined I’ve blown up our pictures to show the difference.
Mine below yours.

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Yep. Going to contact Signals on Monday.

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Hopefully a good clean and like new again great cartridge. :+1:t2:

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Looks like dirty records too. Don’t recall getting that much gunk around the cantilever when I had one.

Wrong bias can do that.

The bias is set correctly but I’m hearing that the Ekos can suffer from bias drift, which, if true, can be an expensive flaw. Sadly it looks like this Kandid is toast. Time for a cartridge shoot out. Lyra vs Kandid. Any other suggestions up to £3k ish?

By ear? :thinking:

Of course not. I meant by the settings on the arm. Clearly a lesson learned there.

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FYI, my Ekos SE1 has just suffered this i.e. the A/S was dealer-set and all was OK, then far too much anti-skate started to appear where, when dropping the needle, it would veer outwards. It seems, as you remark, this is a known issue – but they still charge to repair it if out of warranty (£425 if it needs a strip down).

As best I can tell, my cartridge is OK – and it played fine with the A/S set to zero.

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I had a Lyra Delos in a Ekos arm,but I think it sounded to analytical and not as groovy as a Linn Troika or Krystal.

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Not doubting this is true, but - how…? The Ekos is derived from the Ittok, which has been around since… 1979…?

(mine is a 1982 sample)

The comments made about bias on the Ekos / SE was that early ones were very slightly light on bias “ yours looks to be the very opposite “and best set by ear but the Ekos SE/1 variant that had a few good mods done has slightly preloaded bias making balancing the arm in free float a bit tricky.
The question about replacement comes down to whether you still want it Linn with the three point mount or not.
Depending on trade in values etc.
If not fussy about the brand or three point mount then I’d seriously consider the Lyra Kleos it is almost identical to Kandid “ also Lyra” but has two hole fitting and no fly leads.
Hope this helps. :+1:t2:

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My question too – but it appears the case. It’s ‘not news’ that Linn’s A/S (bias) dial isn’t always accurate vis correlating to tracking force, as Linn ‘build in’ a tad of A/S.

I’m not clear what’s up with mine, save it appear(ed) stuck and was pulling significantly outwards, such that I had to zeroise it with the cartridge weighting at 1.9/2g i.e. something is awry. Usual suspects of a lazy spring, hardened and/or dried-out grease? Who knows - and strange it should appear quite quickly (I think).

Of course, this meant it wouldn’t ‘float’ when zeroised.

It can be highly injurious to cantilevers, especially on needle-drop near the edge of the vinyl, perhaps as @marksnaim has discovered?

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Would have thought the Ekos/Ittok bias would have been magnetic…? But I have no info.

My Ittok seems OK - will leave it well alone… :open_mouth:

I’m going to arrange a trip to Signals to have a listen to the options. The Kleos is on the list. I’ll have them check the arm bias while I’m there. Current trade in on the Kandid is £995 which brings a replacement down to nearly the same price as a Kleos. I believe Lyra have better trade in terms which could tip things in their favour.

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Should I allow this issue with Linn arms put me off from investigating the purchase of a pre loved LP12 with a pre loved Linn arm?

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IMO… no.

In any case, the Ekos(or Ittok) is only one Linn arm, They sell others.