Kandid problem?

The arm tube is machined from titanium with a stainless steel bearing housing and the weight and other parts are machined from-solid, 7075 aluminium alloy.
2 different counterweights are available depending on cartridge mass requirements. :+1:t2:

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I see. Hence it dents if you let it roll on the floor…:thinking::wink:

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The metal of the counterweight is solid steel, but the protruding edges are tender to deformation, hence the marks when it probably came into contact with the furniture leg, or the ceramic edge? This can easily be seen on the enlarged photo, but in reality it’s much less visible; fortunately, the accident had no effect on my listening.

Update. A trip to the wonderful coffee house, Signals, who also incidentally sell hifi, turned out to be hugely successful. Turns out that a stubborn shard of vinyl had welded itself to the stylus of my Kandid. A thorough clean has returned it to active service. The slightly off kilter cantilever doesn’t seem to be too detrimental.

We could hear the difference when comparing their newer demo Kandid to my 4 yo vintage, but there’s life in the old dog yet.

The twist in the tale was putting the Ekstatik into the frame. Now saving hard for next year in preparation for the inevitable upgrade. A truly eye opening experience and a pleasurable afternoon as well.