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It was one of a bunch of rather naff adventure/fantasy/sci-fi movies that appeared in the early 80s from memory. Perhaps it wasn’t as bad as I recall. Still worth a watch these days?

Anyone remember John Boy in ‘Battle Beyond the Stars’? I think I may have spotted Star Trek’s Brent Spiner (who has always irritated me) as one of a group of hive mind beings describing a hot dog (being eaten by one of his group) in a trailer - weird!

Struggled there, I was going to offer a ‘Penny for your thoughts’, then realised it must be Diana.


Continuing a theme, it may not be obvious.

Krull’s music score by James Horner is pretty good! As for the film, haven’t seen it in an age, but I don’t remember being terribly bothered by it, even as a youngster.

The Last Starfighter is another one from the same period where the score is definitely too good for the film.


Even more discombobulating is seeing Neeson the year before in Excalibur, playing Gawain.


I loved it as a kid, and just recently got the blu ray and watched it. Totally great way to go back in time for sure. Can’t believe nobody has mentioned the Glave or Lyssa

Are you suggesting Lysette Anthony is of higher interest than a good orchestral score? What peculiar priorities.

More is coming back to me about it now, particularly the way it couldn’t seem to decide whether it was ripping off Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. Didn’t it open with a massive stone castle travelling through space and landing on a planet with some Dark Rider types then riding horses out of it? Or did I just dream it…?


You’re making me wonder if I ever even saw it now.

I definitely recall it being promoted and the glaive weapon thing, but can’t remember much about the story.

Tempted to find a copy now!

Lyssa looks quite demure. With reference to Battle Beyond the Stars, having reminded myself of some of the characters on IMDB, Sybil Danning as St Exmin the space valkyrie might have been too much for an innocent teenager to handle. Crikey, what a bizarre outfit. :hot_face:

I will always remember that film because of Lysette Anthony.
I had a HUGE crush on her😍
The castle appeared in a different location every day. They had to go find a Seer to get the location for the next day and then get there before it moved again.
Lots of Non human black evil soldiers and a proper monster to kill at the end.
Classic 80’s fantasy, what’s not to like. Except maybe the acting and the script😂


You must be tone deaf - that is krill!

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They capture the princess and he has to go rescue her in the castle, but the castle disappears every 24 hours and moves to a random location.

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