Led Zeppelin IV

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Whole lotta searching ends Led Zeppelin album cover mystery

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BBC version of the story Original photo from Led Zeppelin IV album cover discovered - BBC News


And, if you get fed up looking at the cover picture, you can always play the album!

Led Zeppelin’s very best, in my opinion…and by some distance!


Yep. 4 then 2.


I always feel that they went off the boil after the masterpiece that was LZ IV.

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Agreed, I’ve always thought Physical Graffiti was also a very strong record.

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Any other band would be lauded for Houses of the Holy… No Quarter on its own is a classic!

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I don’t play HOTH much, but agree, No Quarter is one of their very best songs. Along with Black Dog, a JPJ inspired classic.

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I have to say, I have always really liked Houses of The Holy. I rate it along side the rest, up to Physical Graffiti, it kind of went off after that. Well for me anyway.

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The Ocean, off HOTH, is a masterpiece, too! It’s also my 8-year-old daughter’s favorite Led Zep tune, so I hear it a lot, and I loved teaching her about mixed meter in a song.

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