Left is Right Right is Left. Balance help Please

Red = Ridged = Right = A ‘Positive’ Colour = A Plus +
Black = No Ridge = Left = A ‘Negative’ Colour = A Minus -

That’s a rather radical idea. I wondered what they were for. The next question is bound to relate to the fact that on the back of the speakers both sockets are the same way round, whereas on the amp the positives are on the outside. Which means that this must be taken into account when the plugs for the amp are wired up. The wires should also be wired in the right direction. The music flows from n to m in the writing on the cable.

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the 202 balance is controlled by the remote. It does not stop when centered but rather, the green light on the pre-amp volume control “flashes” several times. As far as the amps having the left and right “reversed”, it is due to a perverse desire by naim to make their wiring utterly confusing (just kidding), Although with cables bearing names - snaic,burndy, etc. maybe it is a conspiracy. The amp l/r posts are reversed so that in some cases (mostly pro) where changes and access are needed, the amps can be used with the back accessible from the front. It’s only by looking closely, or studying the manual, or experience that one learns all or most of naim peculiarities. Again, not the first and won’t be the last. At least now you can sit back and enjoy

And don’t forget to do the “Made In Japan” test…

If the batteries in your remote are on their last legs, the long presses required for volume & balance can drain the remaining charge.
Might be worth checking.


Ok, have to say thank you for all the help. The speakers are now correct and I read the manual(I’m a man why would I :wink:) it seems that the volume control flashes when you get to middle balance.
I’ve moved from Meridian to Naim and I love my Naim setup. I’m converted


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