Let Them Be

I’m not a Beatles fan at all, but we streamed the Abbey Road album the other day while playing a game of cribbage and it was excellent. Have always enjoyed AR.
I also like the very early stuff like Help and A Hard Days Night … their beginings and roots. Also, some of their individual efforts. Lennon was brilliant.
As far as re-releases are concerned, promoters will be promoters as long as there is money to be had. It’s really none of my business.

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How many days is this round of chemo Pete ?

2 days just escaped and on our way home. It’s been tough this month with 2 sessions and the stem cell harvest. Got a month to recover before my next round.


I’ve enjoyed all the rereleases, both the 2009 issues and the remixing by Giles Martin (I wish he hadn’t messed with the ending of I Am the Walrus though). As I don’t have access to Disney+, I am looking forward to the remixed and remastered version of the Let It Be film on BluRay.

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I haven’t heard it but this is the reason why I dislike and mistrust re-releases.

Search it out and see what you think. It’s quite different.

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