Lifestyle downsize of Hi-Fi system

That’s a good point. One of the things that drew me into Naim was the fact that their products are serviceable and they typically held their value subject to new models of course.

I enjoy my Atom / ATC 11’s as much as I do my main system and if I never heard a big system I could easily stick at the atom / atc level……

Each to their own and what ever makes you happy is my mantra these days. That said if Naim did a one box solution at 252/552 ish level that would be appealing but that’s not their game….

I did try the linn 30k job and as good as it was it didn’t do it for me.



Now that might be interesting (though you’d need to live in a mansion/chateau!)…

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I did once ride a motorbike with a couple of others through my halls of residence. Does that count? (The warden wasn’t very happy :grin:)


Much easier than a car!

The only car I’m aware of doing something like that was when on Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson drove a Peel P50 inside the BBC’s Broadcasting House in London, including along a corridor! (Not quite FR’s Ferrari.)

Totally agree, If you buy expensive equipment and then do not give them the right conditions to work as they should, it is undeniably quite strange.


Surely the critical question is, even if it doesn’t sound as good as when optimally supported and arranged, does the system stacked like that still sound better than the suggested integrated?

And if it doesn’t sound better, but not worse, did the accumulation of the system in parts or through upgrades in parts allow the user to assemble the system for significantly less ootlay at each step, and if future upgrades are anticipated will it allow them in smaller cost steps?

I’ve long since given up on following Linn, given their shameful record on lack of servicing discontinued products.


That’s a good point. One of the things that drew me into Naim was the fact that their products are serviceable and they typically held their value subject to new models of course.


When I auditioned Naim V Linn that was the deciding factor. Later when Linn withdrew from the CD market I knew I had made the right decision

(I do appreciate that not all Naim CD players are serviceable , but I feel Naim have tried their best to obtain laser mechanisms )

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Since this thread is about a Nova - if I had no middle ground and had to choose between going on the multi box confession thread or get a Nova, I would choose the latter. I would just select my speakers carefully.
4-5 years ago I decided that I no longer wanted the full all separates and got an integrated, then also starting to optimise the front end and try options.
WAF for me has been a non-issue and the acceptance there has been simply charming, it’s really my own personal (PAF) realisation that there must be a smarter way to enjoy music just as much and more. It’s also a path to less dissatisfaction!
I have a 2 big box rule now - ok I cannot live with just one box (yet) and allowing a 3rd box in just spoils it, it shows or leads to anxiety and is essentially … well, a multi box.
This has allowed me to also justify more budget for the speakers I want, and the cables I want. All my cables and mains block cost no more than a box but make for an optimised 2 box which, as a whole system, is at present as good as anything for me.
Took a journey to realise all this though.
… And going from 2 to 1 box shouldn’t be so hard now too, just haven’t found the one, ideally Naim, that does it all in the same way for me.


SN3 and NDX2?

I’ve had both in different configurations, the NDX2 since when it was first released, and the SN3 (then went on to add HC and SCDR) was indeed the integrated period for me until the NC came along - now I have the the 222+250.

I dont know exactly what this thread is about but if money is of less concern, surely a 222/250 is a much better choice than a Nova. A Nova is one box, I know, but I’m guessing a 222 stacked on a 250 sounds much better than a Nova.


I presume that in that case the PAF factor will allow the side by side position for two boxes only :grin:

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I fully recognise and respect those that wish to move to a one box solution.
I had a Nova (now relocated) for some time in a second system, which is a kitchen diner, where the surfaces are all hard, no soft furnishings and where even a Muso does not portray music, as an enjoyable listen.
Both one boxes are good kit.

I have my existing multi box system in a main listening room. Nova based in kitchen was too significant a drop and I had space to accommodate an additional box. Nova + NAP, as been described elsewhere is a marmite idea, that I didn’t find achieved what I wanted.
I ordered NSC22 + NC250 unheard and the result works extremely well; a good decision. In a different (room) setup at home adding an NPX300 was positive. Relocating my second system back to kitchen the NPX - for me - changed the dynamics in a way that didn’t work. This is a difficult room, so it was a balance.
Nova will work a as single box in some rooms, depending on speakers, not ime all.
Two box with 200 series seems a sweet spot for those who can, indeed have, adopted two boxes.
If you consider that both these boxes are “full”, then a Naim one box solution at 2**+ level would be a significant size and two boxes side by side may be preferable for many.
Mine sit atop a heavy sideboard, on Naim style glass and cups and bearings from Fraim.


I really like the SN3 with the NDX2/XPSDr. The SN3 also easily allows for multi sources (TT, CDP, Streaming and Headphones) without tweaking or cable switching.

However, I have hit “the end of the road” so to speak. I am using Utopias for headphones. I don’t have rack space for a better headphone amp. Also the SN3 with HighcapDr? makes it very easy to handle multiple sources through my headphones.

Sound is also good through my Spendor A4 speakers which work very well with my difficult room. SQ of the SN3 with Highcap meets my needs and SQ expectations.

I’m using Chord Shawline Interconnects and basic (Clearway) Speaker cable. I might want to upgrade speaker cable next year. NACA5 is not an option. Also I will need about 36 feet.

I have no desire for a one box system. For the most part I am satisfied with the system as is.


I love my 2023 Audi A4 Quattro. Just big enough and can cruise comfortably all day at 130kph … B&O audio system sounds pretty good too! :+1:

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I went to a Nova a was very happy once I added a full fat Powerline and Witch :mage: Hat cables ., I sill had a CD player and phono though.

I do understand the desire for simplification and currently have a CD5si and a Nait 50, with Chord Shawline power cable and Shawline interconnect.

Unless streaming is your only source other than a Star it will be a minimum of two boxes plus speakers.

I do notice that this desire for simplification has attracted other manufacturers and Technics, Marantz and Leema offer one box source solutions of combined CD and streamer .

If I were starting from scratch it would be a Star and a Technics 1500 or ClearAudio with built in phonostage


Do you not have your Nova now Ian?

Hi Mike

No, I switched to a Nait 50, all I used the Nova for was internet radio and the Nait 50 just looked like it may offer better sound and a built in phono stage .

The phono stage is very good , I am not sure of my long term plans at the moment - so I may not be buying any new equipment for a while.

The Nait 50 is very good, very good indeed sound wise but if I stay where I am I may go to a Technics combined CD :cd: and streamer . I think it would match the Nait 50 from an aesthetic point of view

Since I got rid of the Nova Presto have offered a streaming service which they say treats artists fairly

Best wishes



It would be nice to have a Super Nova, or even a Super Star, both with a good on-board phono stage, at the sound quality of a NAIT50. That would sure be a winner for the simplified “lifestyle downgrade”.


Exactly, I had a five box 200 series, it needed a service and taking it apart , it was never going to get put back together