Lightening warning for North England

Not seen snything in the weather forcasts, but I have been looking at lightning moving towards the North West of England on It seems to have hit North Wales and now the liverpool / Chester area and is moving Eastward. There is lightening around my home now so the HiFi is powered down and disconected now. Just thought I would warn Forum members that may be affected as there was no warning in our weather forcast.

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Thought it was a post-Xmas diet warning at first :thinking: :sweat_smile:


I thought it was the shorter nights, or today’s full moon

This lightning passed directly over us in NW Wales, with a large number of strikes around us for a for a short time. It was short lived due to the high wind speed and didn’t take long to move on, but for now seems to have petered out after hitting the Lancashire coast.

It arrived very quickly, so I didn’t have time to unplug anything. No harm done here, fortunately.

Where the Blackpool tower caught fire with six fire engines attending.

Except it didn’t . . . . turned out to be orange netting flapping in the wind.


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Yes, I was watching it on Blitzortung, and it moved very rapidly across N. Wales and almost completely died out in Liverpool Bay, with very few strikes over Lancashire.

A lightening strike hit the transformer in our neighborhood a few months ago. It knocked out power to the entire area and fryed my CB250. Contacted my insurance company and sent phots of the CB250 and the new NC250 rear case. Minus deductable they covered the $ difference. Bought two used 250drs with the money!!


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