Linn Kan vs Naim IBL

Sorry Ibl

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I already did with Snaxo 242 and another 200. At the Moment returned passive since i have Snaxo and Hc away for service, also awaiting for Snaxo correct spec. Even passive are great btw.

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In what capacity do you ‘see’ them, Graham?
A good evening was had by all I trust!

Ah, yes, I can see that there may be some confusion here!

These are people whom I observe (with varying degrees of astonishment) as opposed to people whom I date!!

I think this might be your real problem. Finding IBLs in good condition will be tough. There are more SBLs about and you might have more luck. Kans, if you go that route, will need dedicated stands of course.

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Swiss Cottage Show early ‘83 LP12/Ittok/42/140 Kans, can remember Ry Cooder on it to this very day, sweet, truly great music.


Just out of curiosity why did you have 20 pairs of Kans?

If you stacked 10 together each side you might get some bass?


There are many incarnations of the Linn Kan,so interesting to hear them and then you need som active versions also.Right now I only have 5 pairs.


I have stacked 3 at each side driven active with 3 way Snaxo,but in the end one at each side active was better.

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Prior to the MkI SBLs that I have owned for the past fifteen years, I owned both Kans and IBLs. The Kans were a fantastic speaker but could be unforgiving with challenging source hardware and software, e.g. Mission 7000 CD player and UK CBS pressings. The IBLs were more forgiving and enjoyable across the board but with a well recorded album played on my LP12, my preference would have been for the Kans. I thought both were great speakers in their own way.


We have IBLs, Kan 2, SBL, SL2 active and three systems. In the office system IBL is better than Kan (Kans are good but don’t have the accuracy and precision of IBL) IBL are super high end.


I wonder if you shouldn’t be on the look-out for a few more pairs of Kans? I mean, only five, for goodness sake.

Alternatively, you could buy a brand new pair of Falcon LS3/5As, and get the job done properly!

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I have found LS3/5A to sound boring and bloated compared to Kans and IBL´s.


I don’t happen to agree, but we all have our own preferences, and the world would be a dull old place if everyone had exactly the same tastes!

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There was no problem getting a good bass response…
It’s all about a good installation and optimization.

I had mine in a 33 square room,.played great.
BUT,.it took a year of optimizing the setup before I was satisfied.

Below a borrowed image from the forum.
Incredibly delicious speakers.


Very different sounding speakers, LS3/5as vs. Kans.

I did a comparison of my Kans Mk1s vs. a very early pair of gold label Rogers LS3/5as vs. my SL2s. Despite their similar size and shape the Kans and LS3/5as were so very different. Ultimately though I found the SL2s were the clear winners , matching or improving on the relative strengths of the other two. I still have the Kans but sold the LS3/5as following an offer I couldn’t refuse from abroad…


I had Kan Is and IIs in the early 80s. I preferred the Is because they seemed to sound the way they were meant to sound while the IIs were a bit unbalanced to my ears, the extreme treble was a little tamed.

40 years later I have IBLs - through seven pairs of Sats, the last of which in use - and find them perfect. The beauty contest between Kan, Sat and IBL is still open yet.


I’ve had SBLs too, black and cherry. It’s the speaker system with the greatest potential I have owned, able to sound just a little better than Kans with modest amplification but incredibly neutral and descriptive with excellent one.
Mine were driven by 202/HC/Napsc/200/NAC A5. I also always found the gasket/silicone thing not difficult and amusingly satisfying to do.

(I never fully realized how much a Naim guy I am…!)