Linn select dsm streamer with Naim nap power amp

I’m actually thinking to buy a Linn Select dsm streamer adding a Naim nap power amp ( the new classic 300 series )
Does anyone experienced with it ?
The only reason , to be onest , is I dont like to many black boxes and a linn streamer will replace 4 naim boxes at all.
Unfortunately in Italy, listen to a Linn/Naim system seems to be impossible …


Instead of adding another box, you could use Stereo Out Amp Cartridge and a DAC Module for the Linn Selekt.

This is a photo of the back of mine, but I have two cartridges as I run mine active.

This way, will reduce your box and power lead count.



Could be an option…Thanks for reply.
Any other considerations will be really appreciate

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While true, the weakest part of the Selekt DSM is the power amp cartridge, IMO.

I use that setup in a third system and often wonder about adding a separate power amp, though can’t justify it for something I use so rarely. If this was my main system I’d go for that, and it would be a neat, low box count setup.

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@james_n is the man to ask……

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I find the opposite and find it to be very good.

Drives my Kudos Titan 606 loudspeakers with no problem and sounds excellent. Prefer the sound over my previous Naim active system.

Mind you, I am running a pair with Organik DACs.



In my mind this is the option could feed my needs . with organic dac only for the main output
And this is the reason to feed the system with a naim power amp

I’ve not heard the combination you propose but I do run a Selekt into active ATC speakers. My version is the Selekt Edition with line outs and dual mono Organik DACs and that is what I would recommend. I reckon this version of the Selekt into a pair of 350s would make a very fine combination, but stress I have not actually listened to it. Ideally listen first if there is any possibility of that.


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What is it you actually want to do?


a complete, easy and non invasive , set up both for hi end audio and , occasionally , home theatre movie .
My listen session are 90% liquid ( qobuz and internet radio ) and once or twice per week a movie with family.
Considering that 2 channel audio listening takes , often ,12/14 hours a day

I have the Organik DAC too, that is not the issue. There wasn’t the Edition version when I got mine, but I think the comparison below is still valid as a DAC does not change a power amp’s performance.

I first had this running into a Nait XS with the same speakers as this system (nSats). When I went over to the Selekt amps it went down in performance, but that was fine for my application.

As for your experience with 606s, while I run mine with an active Naim system, I have not tried them with the Selekt amp. In my main system vinyl is the primary music source, so the Katalyst equipped Akurate DSM/3 works very well for that.

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If that’s referring to the OP’s system, according to their profile they have Ovator S-400s.


yes correct


The Linn Selekt DSM: Edition Hub would be fine for this with the Stereo Out Amp Cartridge and DAC Module.

Depending on your AV set you may not need the HDMI Switching Module. For example, if you just have one HDMI Lead, you can use the HDMI (ARC) socket, shown as No. 5 on the photo, which is what we do and it works well. If you want multi-channel, then you will need the HDMI Switching Module, shown as No. 4 on the photo.


I was running these previously with two NAP 250s, SNAXO 242 and SuperCap, which sounded great.

However, we found that it sounded even better with two stereo amp cartridges and two DAC modules.

Different systems, different rooms. Nothing wrong with either systems, just sound different with alternate set ups.


As Chris mentions, I use a Linn DSM streamer (albeit a NG Klimax) with Naim NC350 power amps, a combination that works very well. Previous to this I had the NC250. I’ll page @Mr.M who ran the setup you are proposing.

The other thing i would suggest is looking at the Naim NSC222 - the latest streaming platform and a perfect partner for the NC250. If you still want less boxes, you could always power the NVC TT from the NSC222 and move the NPX TT on.

Same as the system of mine that I was describing…

What was feeding them?

I got a mail to come and offer my contributions!
I was an early adopter of the Selekt DSM and ran it in a multitude of setups including as a streaming preamp with a 200 Series NAP250.
One important element in the overall setup is the DAC itself, regardless of if it’s setup as a source, a preamp or an integrated. Ultimately, you’d want to be aiming for an Organik DAC regardless.
Originally, I got mine and had it setup for 5.1 surround, having the HDMI and decode boards fitted in mine. I used a Katalyst DAC on Front L/R and Standard DAC on the rear L/R and sub channels. That was using the Linn Power Amp Modules. I also used it with a Supernait and an Arcam AVR as part of a passthrough multi amp AV setup.
I later used it as an integrated for stereo only playback and latterly as a streaming preamp with the NAP250.
It eventually got replaced with an NSC222 because I was able to pretty much swop what I had for a new NSC222, doing so as I was never going to fully realise the original potential I had in mind for it, or appetite to spend more getting it to an Organik Spec preamp.
I would say, I liked it a lot and found it very handy, it was a useful upgrade tool if nothing else, and I had no issues with it in use. I’d have no hesitation recommending one, but do make sure it’s right for you, and home demo it, the usual YMMV caveats apply.
Raise a hand if you want any further views/opinions/comments.


Initially a LP12 Akurate+ spec, CD5XS and a Majority Internet Radio Adapter.

Then sold that lot and got a Linn Klimax DS/3 Dynamic streamer.